How to make a tulip of paper

How to make a tulip of paper

Tulips - amazing spring flowers, bringing the feeling of a holiday and comfort to our homes. True, their magnificence is fleeting - they will quickly flow. Want to admire the beauty of the colors all year round? Make tulips from paper that will not only revive the interior, but also become an excellent addition to a gift on March 8 or a birthday.

How to make a tulip of paper in the style of origami

To begin with, decide on the color of the tulip - select the necessary color paper, since the finished craft is painted difficult. In addition, they will need scissors.

  • Fold the sheet diagonally to get a triangle. Repair and postpone excess paper.

  • Expand the triangle and overload it to the other side, then repent - the square came out with the marked rays. Bend the paper in half, wrap the corners to the middle line, stripped the sheet - it cleaned the outlined bends on it.

  • Connect the billet on the washed lines so that two equilateral triangles come out. Turn the figure the base up and fold the wings so that they come together in the corners, do the same on the other side.

  • Roll the wing to the right, on the left - duplicate, and shove the tip of one wing to another. Repeat the procedure from the bottom and put your fingers the base - it turned out a pyramid.

  • Grasp the wings with index and thumbs and slide the resulting pockets. Turn over the workpiece, in the middle of the bottom you will see a hole, dunge into it - and the flower will affect the form.

  • Screw every petal to the pencil, and the tulip will break. From the postponed paper segment, fold the stem, insert it into the bud - the volumetric tulip is ready.

  • Make some paper multicolored tulips, you can put them in a vase, attach to a summer hat or decorate a photo frame.

How to make a tulip of corrugated paper

Tulips from compressed paper, assembled in bouquets, show a festive table or gift packaging, and stuffed with candy, will become an exceptional present for any person. For a sweet bouquet It will take: corrugated paper, round candies in the candy, tape, scissors, teep-tape, wire, nippers.

  • Cut the pink paper strips 20 by 2 cm. Tighten the middle of each piece of paper, then turn it in half. Sweep the wire with a length of 15 cm and fix on it with a tape candy.

  • Form a bud, fixing the petals with a sticky ribbon on the stem, braziness on each other in two rows. The same velcro wrap the base of the flower.

  • Cook from green paper leaves and attach them to the wire-stalk. Collect bouquet from tulips and you can go to congratulate a close man.

How to make a tulip of colored paper

This is a simple tulip option, so collecting children to make the craft. The necessary materials: colored paper, scissors, glue, pencil, wooden spanks, green teip tape.

  • Prepare a flower pattern from white cardboard. Attach it to the red paper sheet and cut 4 petals.

  • Bend in the head of each workpiece and glue it on the sides. Wrap a stick sticking ribbon, dip the sharp end in glue and insert a flower in the middle. Top of glue the second part of the bud.

  • Cut two light green leaf and stir them to a stalk on both sides. Decorate the product with ribbon, rhinestones, a bow - and the original gift is made.

As you can see, from ordinary paper you can create colorful, similar to living, tulips that will not stop please you with your blossom and give a wonderful mood every day.

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