How to make a wallet

How to make a wallet

Little children love to play adult life, especially, to go to the store, buy and pay dolls. For storing toy banknotes, the defector needs a wallet, but do not rush to buy a new purse to buy a new purse or to give its shabby. Make the original, interesting, useful craft - wallet from paper together with the child.

How to make paper wallet - origami version

Very easy to make a wallet in the Origami technique. For this method, no scissors and glue are needed, it is enough to take a rectangular sheet of paper.

  • Roll the sheet in high altitude and width. Expand. Put the paper in front of yourself. On both sides of the workpiece, wrap the corners. Putting on the left and right corners-awry accumulate to the base to be released the octagon.
  • Turn the craft to the opposite direction and start the upper and lower edges to the central line, the figure with four pockets, inside which are located on the triangle.
  • The figure gained in half. Pull out one corner outside - this is the valve. Attach a piece of velcro or vinyl magnetic plate and money under the lock on it.

Decorate the thing with stickers, beads, beads or draw on the outer face with colored markers the family monogram.

How to make a paper wallet - fast option

A simple wallet can be made for a minute for three, having under hand scissors, a dense sheet of paper or a thin cardboard of A4 format, a pencil, a stapler.

  • Fold the sheet on the vertically twice and one - horizontally. Expand, you have got 8 segments. Cut the left and upper side of the sector 2. According to the scheme, cut the first and eighth segment over the lines.
  • Fold the second and third parties. Back direction 8 Connect with the opposite side 1.
  • Parts 4, 5, 6 fold with the opposite side of the segment 2.

Build the edge of the workpiece using a stapler. It turned out a decent wallet for storing large bills, trivia, plastic cards.

How to make a paper wallet - an unusual option

If you have a blank paper bag from under the juice or kefir with a round lid, make a wallet from it. Rinse and dry the container, prepare scissors, handle, ruler.

Making the foundation

  • Discover the corners from the package, pushing them with scissors. Cut the seats of the globe at the top and bottom. Cut the package along the side lying opposite the lid.
  • On the side without a picture, attach a template. Cut. Produce fold pencils and bend stencils on vertical and horizontal lines. Subscribe the sides, moving into them diagonally, and generate the resulting corner.

Decor the fastener

Remove the plug and, folding the workpiece, circle the hole with the handle. Draw the circle and cut it out. Clean the hole in the pitched hole, put the plastic cover on it - it turned out a fastener. Decorate the handicraft to your taste - appliqués, colored paper or glue-based bars.

As you can see, all paper wallets are made simply and quickly. If the children's purse wipes or breaks, you can easily make a new wallet for toy money from the girlfriend.

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