How to make a frog of paper yourself

How to make a frog of paper yourself

You can make a frog from paper, following origami techniques or appliqués. It all depends on what you need this amphibian. In this article, we will consider the most affordable methods of making a paper frog with your own hands: folding origami and gluing ready-made patterns. The instructions below are so simple that even a child can cope with them.

To perform this technique origami you will need a square sheet of green paper. It is not necessary that it is painted on both sides. The white inside side will be hidden at the very first additions. Features:

  • Fold the square in half.
  • Make the Cross folds, as in the figure, by alternately flexing the upper corners of the rectangle.
  • Take another fold across the rectangle in the upper quarter. Do not instill.
  • The corners of this folded quarter, get inside the rectangle. It turns out a triangular top.
  • Lower to fold in half.
  • Put up the corner of the triangle obtained earlier at the top. By the dotted shown in the figure, get inside the fold.
  • Make horizontal fold in the middle of the base.
  • Pull the bottom corners of the paper, pulling out the entire bottom. The corners of the paper put forward to the sides so that something like the "boat" is.
  • Nose and stern of the swimming medium. Drink down, connecting corners together.
  • Triangles at the base of the figure bend in half, directing outwards.
  • Fold the base of the "frog", as shown by the arrow and dotted line in the figure.
  • Turn your paper toad.
  • Press her back and dramatically release the animal jumped.

001 Frog Jumping

The next frog is also performed by origami technique, but it is simpler. Since the back part does not stand out in separate limbs, but looks like a solid plank. Take a rectangular sheet of paper and then act on the principle of the previous frog smoothly until the moment where we previously started folding the "boat". Instead, just fold the paper in the form of a step, which will serve as a lever for leaping amphibians.

002 Frog Jumping Simplified Option

The following is a template for making reminders notes. Print it on the color printer, cut and glue. Disassemble how to collect this figure is easy. After gluing from this not quite clear image, the figure of green toads with a pickled mouth will be turned out. It is convenient to invest small sheets with reminders written on it. Putting such a paper organizer on the table, you will not forget important things and raise your mood.

In the form of a frog, you can make a gift box of paper. Take a tight green cardboard for the basics of the figure of the toad. It will also need a ruler, scissors, a stationery knife, glue and small pieces of paper of white and black colors. For the manufacture of a frog box, print a template in the picture below or circle it directly from the monitor screen. To do this, make higher image contrast, apply a sheet of paper on the screen and use a pencil to duplicate all lines and contours. Then put the sheet on the table and the line draw the outlined lines.

004Slock frog packaging

Get ready to manufacture directly boxes. Turn the template to the cardboard or print a green blank on a dense photo paper. Cut the figure on an external contour. Now for a ruler with a plastic knife from a plasticine set, print the lines on the dotted. On the muzzle, make a stationery knife to a slot for the eyes. Slit two parts of the frog and bend the dotted.

003 Packaging

Takening for any work with paper, make sure your hands and the working surface are clean and dry. Glue is recommended to use PVA because it does not leave dirty and untidy traces after gluing surfaces. Also carefully take off to scissors while working, they must be sharp and working to avoid injury to the hands or breaks on paper.

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