How to make a cap from paper

How to make a cap from paper

Any skills and knowledge can be useful in life. Therefore, if you still do not know how to make a headdress from paper sheet, we suggest familiarizing yourself with step-by-step recommendations.

Remember how in childhood folded from paper boats and sent them to swimming? Today there is a similar lesson, only with new elements. Fold from paper cap in different ways. It turns out that even from the ordinary newspaper it turns out quite a pretty headdress.

How to make a paper cap

Paper folding is an exciting occupation. If you need to make a hat for an adult, prepare the usual newspaper (A3 size sheet) for the child will suit printing on the printer.

Procedure for work:

  • Fold a sheet of paper with a short side in half.
  • Turn the blank fold to yourself, wrap the top edges of the workpiece so that the triangle is turned out to be the triangle so that the triangles are the same on each side, and in the middle there remained free space approximately 15 cm.
  • Fibes need to be pregnant. See what happened: it turned out a house with a roof in the form of a triangle.
  • Now you need rectangular strips of paper (long) wrap up, carefully smooth the place of bend.
  • So you need to do on the reverse side of the workpiece.
  • Little triangles need to be hidden - wrap in the workpiece.
  • It turns out a paper hat.

How to make a pirate from paper

For the New Year's suit, the pirate lacks the most important attribute - hats and make it also just from the sheet of paper.

Necessary for work:

  • black sheet of black (format A3);
  • thin gum;
  • marker;
  • glue;
  • white paper sheet;
  • scissors;
  • gypsy needle.

Operating procedure:

  • On black paper, it is necessary to draw a square to the sides to be equal to the short side of the workpiece.
  • Cut square, spinning corners. Thus, from the square you can easily get a round blank.
  • Take a white sheet of paper, fold it in half once and once again in half.
  • Now you need to make the fringe: a pair of scissors make a lot of cuts, not reaching the folding line.
  • Sheet expand now can be cut into strips and preform pencil wrap fringe.
  • Strips of white paper should be pasted on the edge of the black circle, so that the tips of the paper cut bangs were wrapped up.
  • Visually black mark on a circular blank 3 point, so that they are spaced apart the same distance. On these points need to wrap the edges of the paper so as to obtain a hat with a brim, wrapped up.
  • Work is almost complete. It remains only to make paper feathers sticking glue to the hat.
  • Feathers are made from a sheet of A4 paper. To fold in half a sheet, cut elongated oval, cut with scissors bangs and the ends of paper wrap.
  • Pirate hat decorate a distinctive sign - skull and crossbones. Print the image on a color printer, cut and attach to the opposite side of the workpiece. On one side of the hat will decorate the two feathers, and on the other - Pirate sign.
  • It remains to make a hole in the needle or awl paper to stick gum.

How to make a paper hat-cylinder

Universal headdress - the cylinder can also be made from a sheet of paper. It was only important to understand what should be the width of the field and the height of the crown.

To work, prepare:

  • a sheet of paper;
  • colored paper or cloth;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • pencil.

How to make a hat out of paper:

  • On a piece of paper you need to draw a rectangular shape. One side - this is the height of the future hats, the second - the length of the circumference.
  • Cut along the intended line of the workpiece, connect edges. Turn tube. Joining the need for "edge" the height of the rectangular shape.
  • Now on the remaining sheet of paper, you need to make another blank - the crown. For this purpose, enclose the first workpiece to the sheet to cut around the contour of the circumference. Lines should be 2: directly on the workpiece and at a distance, which is equal to the width of the hat brim.
  • It is necessary to identify another hole circle inside the preform, the circumference of the contour must retreat 1.5 cm.
  • Cut out the small circle, make a few cuts to wrap paper.
  • Once again, on paper need to cut around the crown, cut to the contour of the intended retreating by 1.5 cm to make the incision with scissors and screw on the workpiece contour.
  • Both parts have to be glued together, ready pasted paper headdress desired color or a thick cloth.
  • headdress decor - as needed. Decorate the hat will help: feathers, beads, veil, sequins, stylish brooch or ribbon.

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