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  • Garden
    Newbies in gardening very often make a mistake - listen to their intuition, and not the advice of experienced gardeners and the usual planting of flowers can end the trouble - the flowers will not go out or blooming will be small flowers.
    03.06.2019 314 0
  • Hobby
    Chekhon belongs to the carp family and has a very peculiar structure of the body. Because of her, it was nicknamed with a saber fish, a sidefall or a cup.
    08.04.2019 245 0
  • Needlework
    From generation to generations female Rod adored with infancy dolls: Wooden, rag, straw, porcelain!
    10.03.2019 239 0
  • Needlework
    Crochet - elegant and exciting occupation. The birth of this type of needlework occurred at the beginning of the 19th century.
    10.03.2019 246 0
  • Hobby
    Fishing is a great occupation for a collaborative holiday with family or friends. Moreover, such a pastime brings fruit - a delicious and useful catch.
    06.03.2019 229 0
  • Board games
    Sudoku - not only help with benefit to spend time, but also develop logic and thinking. This interesting puzzle is actually very simply solved.
    24.02.2019 250 0
  • Needlework
    Sewing things with their own hands - it is very convenient, practical and economically beneficial. The fact is that clothes on tailoring is expensive, so those who do this, earns not bad.
    15.02.2019 266 0
  • Hobby
    Beginner flowers sometimes make, at first glance, minor errors that become fatal for room plant.
    08.02.2019 279 0
  • Hobby
    New Year's mood often form decorations. And the main element of the decor of the apartment, class, office usually become paper snowflakes glued on the windows.
    08.02.2019 219 0
  • Needlework
    If you are an ardent fan of the design of Lego and your hobby lies in collecting all sorts of figures and details, then this article will come to you.
    26.01.2019 264 0
  • Needlework
    Snake is another invention of Erne Rubik, who created a Rubik cube. This puzzle helps to develop imagination, hands and fantasy motor.
    14.01.2019 348 0
  • Needlework
    One of the indisputable advantages of clamping is the complete absence of any demands and restrictions on the creator himself.
    22.12.2018 257 0
  • Needlework
    Crafts in the Origami technique attract both adults and children. Such a sheet of paper is enough to create a real masterpiece.
    20.12.2018 275 0
  • Needlework
    Crafts from plasticine in the form of colors will always be interested in adults and children. Make beautiful and original flowers just enough, and they will definitely serve as an excellent addition to any holiday.
    20.12.2018 333 0
  • Needlework
    Paper hare is the simplest handicraft that children can make without adults, because all the guys know what a forest pantish looks like.
    19.12.2018 276 0
  • Needlework
    The dolls also go to school and, as a diligent disciples, they need portfolios that little craftswomen are able to do both independently and together with moms.
    16.12.2018 283 0
  • Parties
    Confetti - finely chopped pieces of paper, foil, sequined or gypsum. Without them, almost no celebration passes.
    16.12.2018 340 0
  • Needlework
    How much of the interesting and original can be made of paper, because this is a universal material that is used in a wide variety of spheres of our daily life.
    16.12.2018 262 0
  • Needlework
    Recently, it became fashionable to put in the apartment and offices. Coffee trees in Topiaria's manner, because this fragrant handicraft fills the room with warmth and comfort, and the person charges with optimism and adjusts the creative way.
    07.12.2018 343 0
  • Hobby
    In fact, fishing for many is an interesting and very exciting occupation, but at the same time, it may turn out differently, if you do not know how to catch one or another kind of fish.
    03.12.2018 248 0
  • Needlework
    Already over the centuries, the boots remain comfortable warm shoes, with which no frosts are scared. They are easy to wear, it is easy to read and also make them easily independently, more details, about the manufacture of boots with their own hands in this article.
    27.11.2018 305 0
  • Needlework
    PION from corrugated paper will become a real scenery for any holiday. Such paper flowers look very beautiful and will serve as an excellent decoration, even if they are simply put in a vase.
    25.11.2018 363 0
  • Needlework
    The owners of wavy parrots are often solved on their breeding, and most often, not for the persecution of a commercial purpose, but for their pleasure.
    19.11.2018 240 0
  • Hobby
    Fishing is the passion for many men who love, in truth, courageous entertainment. Carp is a fish, which is constantly satisfied with hot experienced fishermen, but not experienced you also want to try with happiness in this matter.
    14.11.2018 289 0
  • Needlework
    Paper briefcase can be useful in a variety of situations. It is convenient to use both an adult and a child.
    11.11.2018 285 0
  • Hobby
    The development of creative talents is impossible without modeling. This direction stimulates brain activity, contributes to the concentration of thought and movements.
    03.11.2018 296 0
  • Needlework
    The gym are popular due to the presence of a variety of inventory. But what to do if there is no time or money to visit the hall, and I really want to do sports?
    02.11.2018 303 0
  • Needlework
    Plastic bottles are one of the most common waste in the world. But, of this, at first sight of the garbage, you can make unusual and cute things that will decorate the house and please the eyes.
    29.10.2018 295 0
  • Hobby
    Experienced fishermen know that when catching a bream is heavier than one and a half kilograms, the feeder snap is an indispensable element.
    29.10.2018 263 0
  • Hobby
    Fishermen are well aware that today is not so easy to buy all accessories for good fishing, because the cost of every detail is rather small.
    28.10.2018 239 0
  • Children
    It is easy to make an elephant with your own hands and simply, and in the kingdom origami there are a lot of various elephants that will be interested to make children together with their parents.
    21.10.2018 336 0
  • Needlework
    Sometimes children who are long at home because of bad weather or unimportant well-being, bored to watch cartoons, absorb sweets, listen to fairy tales and conversations of adults and they begin to capricious.
    21.10.2018 293 0
  • Painting
    How comfortable when there is a blackboard at hand, on which you can write something to not forget or take your child.
    20.10.2018 265 0
  • Hobby
    The curtain is the tackle, without which it is hard to imagine a good fishing catch. The inquiries can be made with their own hands from undergraduate consumables, which are stored in the garage or shed.
    11.10.2018 302 0
  • Hobby
    Everyone who loves to fish will use the ability to make a loop on the fishing line. Without this skill on any fishing can not do.
    08.10.2018 281 0
  • Needlework
    So that the gift becomes even more pleasant, you need to pack it somehow differently. The most practical option is cardboard boxes.
    30.09.2018 318 0
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