How to make a portfolio from paper?

How to make a portfolio from paper?

Paper briefcase can be useful in a variety of situations. It is convenient to use both an adult and a child. Such a portfolio can be made of different sizes, configurations, colors. He will delight your child, especially if he takes part in its manufacture.

Portfolio options

It depends on the form of the portfolio. But paper is such a material with which you can make any shape. Think out what portfolio you need.

  1. Business.
  2. Classical.
  3. Dance.
  4. Rectangular.
  5. Square.
  6. Round.

You can come up with any form of a portfolio, even in the shape of a bird or heart. The fasteners play not an unimportant role in the design, look at your bags or bags on the Internet. Include your fantasy and proceed to work.

We are preparing the necessary materials

So to make a briefcase, you need to cook:

  1. Cardboard or paper.
  2. Adhesive stationery or pva.
  3. Scissors or knife for cutting paper.
  4. Threads and needles.
  5. Scotch, clips.
  6. Tassels.
  7. Pencil, eraser.

The set for the decor can be the most different: buttons, cut pictures, paints.

Simple portfolio

Start with a simple form to purchase skills.

  1. Take two parts of paper or cardboard. They must be the same size.
  2. The third part of one form cut off.
  3. You can simply take two sheets and glue them with each other from three sides. To obtain a portfolio more voluminous, cut three thin strips, glue them with two parts around the perimeter, leaving one side.
  4. We glue the carved part to one side - it will be a lid. The shape of the lid can be made triangular or rectangular.
  5. So that the portfolio is closed, cut the strip four or two pieces. It depends on the shape of the lid. For triangular - there will be one clasp, respectively, two stripes. For rectangular - four.
  6. One strip is glued on the lid, the other, under it, on the fixed part.
  7. If you wish to turn the portfolio into the backpack, cut out, straps and glue from the reverse side.

The decor for such a portfolio may be the most different. You can draw lines, pockets, or stick appliqué.

Portfolio style - origami

Having made a simple portfolio, try making a puppet portfolio, the origami style. Better if you do it with a child. Prepare three sheets, the format is desirable to take, A4. Color may be any. From each sheet, cut squares.

  1. One sheet fold in half in two directions. You will receive four squares of the same form.
  2. Squared angle that is from the edge, bent to the center.
  3. You get a single square envelope. Once again, do the same, bending the ends of the smooth side.
  4. For the third time we make curb.
  5. I turn over the prepared workpiece, corners with straightening. It turns out the shape of the cross.
  6. Corners with straighten, we turn into the opposite direction. We get a square.
  7. The second sheet is also folded up to paragraph 4. Then, turn over the workpiece, two angle bend towards the center, the remaining part fold in half.
  8. We carry out the recommendations of paragraphs 5 and 6.
  9. We take the third sheet and cut it in half. Cut two strips from one piece.
  10. Part Two bend on both sides to the center. Then in half, perpendicular to the central collar.
  11. In the last bending, bend small angles. The sheet lay out and extend the angles to the other side.
  12. We combine all the details together as a puzzle.

Decor of the obtained portfolio

  1. Applique from fabric is used.
  2. Print beads, buttons.
  3. Puff portfolio cloth.
  4. From threads you can lay out the pattern and fix with glue.

Making a paper portfolio is not difficult. He can serve as a gift, especially nice to the child to make a portfolio for his dolls, as a gift to the tutor, teacher, friends.




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