How to translate grams in kilograms

How to translate grams in kilograms

It is generally accepted to measure a lot of light items in grams, and heavy in kilograms. How these units of measure are related to each other you will learn in this article.

Translation rule

To translate the value of the mass specified in grams (denoted by "g"), a kilogram (designated "kg"), we use the rule: 1 kg \u003d 1000 in this way, separating the initial value to 1000, we obtain the desired value in kilograms. It is important to sign in the example the corresponding units of measurement. For example, 45 000 g \u003d 45 kg.

Transfer decimal

For convenience, the grams can be translated into a kilogram by transferring a decimal point. This option is possible due to the fact that grams differ from kilograms 1000 times, which is multiple 10. For example, we translate 74 grams per kilograms. Record the number of grams on paper. If this number is an integer, the decimal comma is usually not recorded, but it is understood that it is worth the right of the number. In our case, we get: "74,". We carry the comma to the left of three orders. One digit corresponds to one order. If we cross the left left digit, we continue to move the comma, replacing empty positions with zeros. In our example, sequentially transferring a decimal comma for three positions to the left, we get:

  • the initial position "74,";
  • the first step "7.4";
  • the second step "0.74";
  • third step "0.074".

By adding a unit of measurement to the expression, we obtain the final answer: 0.074 kg.

Translation from grams in kilograms online

If you have doubts about the correctness of the calculations, you can always use the relevant browser service. To do this, score in the search bar "How to translate grams in a kilogram" and the first thing it will issue is a calculator for the translation of grams per kilogram.

Definition of gram

Initially, the gram was determined as the mass of 1 cm³ of chemically clean water at 4 ° C. Now its main definition is a thousandth per kilogram. Most commonly, this measure of mass is used in relation to spices, precious metals and stones.

Definition of kilogram

Kilogram is the main unit of mass measurement in the international system of units (SI). Until May 20, 2019, a kilogram remained the last unit of C, the reference of which was considered to be the object made by a person - a very accurate girlet, which is a platinum alloy cylinder (90%) and iridium (10%) with a diameter and a height of 39.17 mm. But the General Conference on Measures and Sighs in November 2018 approved a new definition of a kilogram. Now it is based on fixing the numerical value of a constant plank.

Now you know than grams differ from a kilogram and can without mistakes to measure body weight both in grams and in kilograms.

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