How to prepare a child to school

How to prepare a child to school

The beginning of school life is the first independent step of your baby on life field. At least there will still be a cool leader who is obliged to monitor children and help them in every possible way, the baby still receives the first cargo of obligations, some share of independence and responsibilities. Prepare a child for this certainly need, however, not all parents understand it. Judge himself: the baby was just yesterday he was in kindergarten surrounded by permissiveness and guardianship, played all day and slept, and now he should sit quietly at the desk, listen to the teacher, to do lessons every day. So that the study does not shock for the child, prepare for it in advance, and the earlier, the better. Use practical advice in this article.

How to prepare a child to school - School preparatory courses

Nowadays, this is not the desire of parents, but a story to school. Prestigious educational institutions require the passage of pre-school courses for kids who last on average six months. The child will have to attend school once or two a week, getting small jobs for the house. These courses are designed to make the level of knowledge feed.

After all, someone from the small years is well adding numbers, but he reads poorly, or it perfectly writes and remembers the letters, but absolutely not accepting the rule. On such preschool lessons, your child will receive the necessary knowledge for the first class, as well as understand that the school is present and how his life will be in it.

It is important to give the baby proper support and help as soon as he goes to study. Tell him how to behave, what can be done, and what is strictly forbidden.

How to prepare a child to school - start developing a child in advance

If you notice that Chado is somewhat slower the rest develops some skills, then try to pull them up. For example, if the kid reads poorly, offer him to read fairy tales together; Passing past beautiful colors, offer to calculate their amount on your fingers; And if you meet a beautiful cat on the street, then ask the child to describe the animal, as eloquently as possible; Repeat road rules more often.

Applying such simple tricks, you will easily help the child to form in the right direction. The main thing is not to be lazy and not show intolerance, if the baby does not work something, because each person is peculiar, even at such a young age.

How to prepare a child to school - Pedagogue help

If your child has any problems at the stage of formation to the school that you cannot solve you, then immediately should be applied to the center of preparation for feeding, or to a private teacher. Be sure to check the licenses and certificates of such organizations, because you trust them with your child. As a rule, you will have to drive a child in such a place 2-3 times a week, after a few weeks you must feel a tangible difference in education.

Some parents do not notice such problems in the early stages of training, but the earlier you will take on their decision, the easier for the child later.

If the future schoolboy everything turns out smoothly and harmoniously, with his mistakes and luck, then you can only passively help him develop, playing presenting new information. Do not forget about school courses that are very important psychologically for the child, as well as home education with parents. The earlier you show the baby, how his school life will develop, the faster it will be ready for her: Play with him to "school", show how students behave at the desk, give him such an idea for joint games with other children.

Comments leave a comment
Lina 27/09/2018 at 10:26

Here much depends on memory and intelligence. But the program is complicated every year, so I give your children vitamins for memory, vitamins Mullyti +. After school, you will definitely walk, well the road home through the park, and the air is clean there.

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Natalia 18/04/2019 at 17:21

It was difficult for us, especially after the summer holidays. Kids just run wild, and then what they were taught in the preparatory group and we have been in the summer, just somewhere vanished. They repeated in the summer, of course, but then you need to walk. Therefore, when we went to school \u003d y began to give vitamishki multi +, good vitamins for memory and brain activity. I noticed that remember best was no need to cram all by heart.

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Rita 08.09.2019 at 15:53

Buy everything you need to teach to read and write (since it now requires school), well, and be sure to strengthen the immune system, as there are many different infection due to large concentrations of children, I have a child to this end give the baby formula bears vitamin c, and I will say that for 2 years studying child suffered only a couple of times!

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