How to teach a child to write

How to teach a child to write

Teach a child to write is a difficult task that parents face. The recommended age to master the letter is a pre-school age of 5-6 years. Preparatory classes for the development of shallow motors of fingers, modeling, "cauluker" with a pencil, prepare hand to the letter, you can start with a three-year-old age.

How to teach the child to write - hold the pencil correctly or handle

In order for the baby to be comfortable to hold a pencil in the hands, choose its thickness so that it is commensurate his hand and fingers. Show on your example how to properly hold a pencil or handle. Position it at the top of the middle finger and fix with the help of large and index fingers. Make sure that when covered the handle, the thumb was slightly above the index.

Proper hand setting is the key to a beautiful handwriting and hand training for further school loads. Special teaching simulators appeared on sale for writing, allowing a child in the form of the game to acquire the skills of the right hand and fingers when writing.

Pen self-taught

How to teach a child to write - start with printed letters

The mistake of many parents is learning letters skills immediately from capital letters. It is very difficult for the rapid hand of the child. Start with printed letters. Purchase special recipes for beginners to master the letter. In the sale of a huge variety of interesting and entertaining learning letters in words for any age. In such album, the letters are drawn by dashes, points or dashed lines, which greatly facilitates the kid to the task. Starting from the most ordinary sticks, circles and curls, the baby gradually lit the letter and moves to the independent writing of the letters and the first words. Words for writing letters Use simple, consisting of 3-4 letters, should be understood and familiar to the child. Remember that training should be in itself a gaming character for the child to understand that the letter is exciting and interesting.

Teach a child to write with capital letters

After mastering the letter of printed letters, you can go to the writing of uppercase letters. To master the skills, the letters of capital letters use the same albums, and letters in the form of points or dashed lines. Studying the letter beyond the letter, spend daily small classes for 20 minutes. Over time, the baby will easily write uppercase letters without the help of dotted lines.

Tips parents

  • From the right posture of the baby at the table during the letter depends not only the beauty and quality of the handwriting, but also the health of the kid. Therefore, prepare a convenient workplace for the child. The kid must sit straight, resting his back on the back of the chair. Watch that the child does not catch himself with all the body on the table, and his hands lay on the table. A notebook or a capping should be located on the table a little tilt.
  • Choosing a handle for the letter, pay attention to its length and diameter. The length of the handle should not exceed 15 cm, and the diameter is 6-8 cm, the rod must be soft and write smoothly, without scratching the notebook.
    Do not make a child write forcibly, pay attention to him and do not do daily. Do not scold and do not criticize it for incorrectly written letters. Any learning at this age should be in the form of a game and exciting classes. If the kid feel that writing the letters - "obligatory", subconsciously he will start to protest. In this case, learning for a while stopping the negative idea of \u200b\u200bthe letter to scattered. Explain to the child that it is important for him to learn to write beautifully.
  • To teach a child to write and quickly master the letters' skills constantly develop a shallow motorcycle: Look, play your finger games, lacing, move the cereals, collect puzzles, apitate pictures.

To master the letter, time and patience will be required. Remember that during the letter of kids who strongly clamp the handle, fingers get tired quickly. Do not force your baby to write if he is tired and does not want to continue classes, it is better to spend a relaxing gymnastics for fingers. Systematically perform classes, manifest attention to the child and patience and in a short time he will delight you beautifully written in words in the tetrade.

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