How to teach the baby is a spoon

How to teach the baby is a spoon

Sooner or later, the question arises in front of the parents: is it time to teach the baby to eat alone? This problem concerns even those who are not the first child. After all, not all the ways of education that worked with older children can also be effective. Sometimes you have to experiment for a long time to find an approach to the playful crumb.

When should I start learning a child to eat a spoon?

The answer is simple - the sooner, the better. If the child is already ready to try new food dishes and confidently sits in a children's chair, go to the store for the first table appliance for the kid. Of course, it is not necessary to expect that the 8-month-old crumb will eat the dish of the porridge. Up to this point is still very and very far. Let him play, picks up in a plate and with it gradually gets used to. But the spoon must be present in the field of view of the child during each meal!

What should be the first spoon in a child?

The first spoon should be primarily safe for the child. Here are some criteria for which you can make a choice. The spoon should be:

  • silicone or plastic. Metal objects are not allowed at first, since the child may be injured. Big plus, if the handle of the spoon will be rubberized, so it will not slip out of a small palm;
  • easy. Not yet developed fingers will be difficult to control with a heavy object;
  • small. The device is best suited for an oblong narrow form.

5 golden rules how to teach the baby is a spoon

Wait for the child when the child is ready

If each feeding "adult" food passes under the performances, the baby refuses to eat even half of the porridge, it is unlikely that he will show a desire to eat independently. Wait until the process interest comes. To do this, dine together with the whole family in the presence of a child. Show him how cool to be able to handle a plate, a spoon, a cup. Do not prohibit food from your plate if it is suitable in composition.

Important! Do not be too persistent. It has already been scientifically proven that food violence is designed in the worst way on the psyche and digestive process.

Do not rush the child

Forget the phrases: "Let's Golday!", "Put a spoon in your mouth!", "Eat faster!" Believe me, at the time of food these words will not affect. But the desire independently disappears in a child for a long time. Let the kid sits at the table as much as it seems necessary to him. As a last resort, you can always take the second spoon and "feed" the karapuz in the interruptions between independent attempts.

Do not try to adjust your child under the average norms

If you read in the next magazine, that by 12 months the child should (just obliged!) To be able to eat a spoon, not needed three days before the first day of birth, trying to teach it with all their forces. Your child is an individual. And he will begin to eat independently when he needs, and not 100,000 children who participated in the study

Develop motor skills

If the child wants to eat himself, but he does not work well, it is worth a little to help. Play your finger games, sculpt the sand with the sand in the bucket. So small fingers will be easier to learn how to control with cutlery.

Proper food consistency

The best dish for learning is porridge. Welcome it so that it is not too liquid and buried well with a spoon. A little later you can go to fruit puree, cottage cheese or cream soup.

And the last thing you need to say is to be patient! Sometimes mom wants to teach to eat as soon as possible due to a number of reasons. For example, often such behavior is due to the fact that the child goes to Nurserie. Believe me, this is not the case when you need to worry. In kindergarten, small dies learn from everything much faster than at home alone. After a couple of weeks of life in the team, the kid himself will tell you how to contact not only with a spoon, but also with a fork.

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