The process of forming a human speech begins from the moment of birth . Baby notifies about his needs crying. In half a year child Pronounces vowel sounds. One year old kid says small the words. Proposals and small phrases are formed to two years. At 7 years old, the schoolboy owns a connected clear A meaningful speech. Therefore, start teaching child Speech is necessary from birth.
Communication With Moment appearance on light. Tell your child about the surrounding items, describe their characteristics. Do not forget to sing lulled songs and booms. All daily activities with the baby are pronounced out loud. For example, dressing the baby, tell me which clothes are wearing, for what you need, what color is it. Certainly, child Little anything catchy From the story, but will be able to "catch" and memorize sounds, unconsciously accumulate vocabulary. With grown kidfeed vowels for different familiar melodies. When communicating S. kid it is forbidden " sisyukim"And the cavity of the words, imitate child pronunciation.
Reading children's books. In the youngest age, the book is not so much read as they say to the pictures. Read poems - fees and booms, small folk Fairy tales "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Mitten", " Chicken row" One year old kids can be offer A. Barto "Toys" — Rhythmics of poems contributes to memorizing sounds and replenishing the vocabulary stock. From two years old, the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky, poems S. Marshak, WITH.Mikhalkov. Children 3. –5 years old like fairy tales A. S. Pushkin, G. X . Andersen, S. Perro, B. Oakher, Oster. After reading the book, ask questions about the content, let the baby shares his impressions from the read. No need to speak instead child - Motivate to communicate.
Onomatopoeia. As often asking child "What kind of sound makes this subject?". For example, Paralozo - "Chuh-Chuh", Cow - "Mou-Mu", kettle - " u-U-y" and t. P.. Such exercises are well developed speechapparatus, memory, thinking , in addition, the kid in game Form gets acquainted with the outside world. Stores offer a large selection of book publications, educational games and video class To imitate sounds.
Articulating gymnastics. Turns out, It is very helpful to make a grimace! " Beast»Gymnastics for the development of the articulation apparatus:
lick sponges like a cat;
inflate cheekslike a hamster;
stick a tongue like a puppy;
open mouth as a hippo;
twist the tongue into the tube like the beak of the bird;
sponges fold the tube as a trunk of an elephant.
Development of shallow motility. It is experimentally proven that the development of small movements of the fingers of the hands affects the section of the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for speech. The little ones make a massage of palms and fingers, you can use a small rubber ball with spikes. Suggest the baby to swell the materials of different textures, bags with different croups. To kid up to the year they will fit the booms "with orca Crow"," Ladushka ". Babies older likes a large designer, playing with plasticine, finger paints. Under the supervision of adults, they play with sand, croups, pebbles - of them you can upload patterns, draw a finger, pour. Stores offer a wide selection of lacing games, liners, stickers. Children OT three I will interest years mosaic, appliques, painting with brush, theater of shadows and finger theater.
Cocking kid The development of speech, it is forbidden Forget about psychophysiological and age features. Classes should pass in a game form. The duration ranges from 5 to 20 minutes - depends on the age and adherence of the pupil. At the same time every 2 –3 minutes need to be changed type of activity. The main thing is that the kid like the learning process, then he will gladly share with their own thoughts about all in the world!