How to teach a child to go to the pot

How to teach a child to go to the pot

Every day a little man comprehends all the wisdom of life, to learn that sometimes it is very difficult. One of the most difficult steps in this business is to master the pot.

The ideal age to teach a child to potty

On this score there are a lot of popular opinion, and many are highly subjective. For example, some parents believe that the child can hold over the pot almost none from his birth, and so the baby will initially habit to the pot, but it is actually quite the opposite - the child can form a persistent lack of understanding of the subject, and it is much longer than the other kids will spoil panties.

Older people claim that the plant in the pot need when the child is confident sitting on the fifth point, which is about 6-8 months. But this is not the right judgment. Sitting a child can, but does not realize that the pot must not only sit, but also to do their little business.

Children's pediatricians insist that put a child younger than 1 year at the pot is not necessary, since by this persistent hostility he may even occur. The ideal age every loving parent can be identified by your baby himself, some kids themselves are beginning to take an interest in this subject. Do not rush, it is better to wait until the age when the child is ready, and it may be a year or three. Most of the children begin to confidently use the potty at the age of about two years.

How to choose a pot for baby

Modern children's stores offer a huge assortment of many different pots, up to music and lights. But not always all of this functionality is needed, the main thing that the child was comfortable to sit on the potty. To do this, choose a round pot for girls and pot with a partition for a boy. Not necessarily to take a pot of expensive, often the cheapest plastic acts as the ideal option.

If you see that the child is uncomfortable on the pot, better buy another, but do not make sit on it, as you can unsubscribe from the pot very long.

How to teach a child to the pot

The process of child collection to the pot can take for a long time, and without incidents it will not cost, but it is necessary to do everything gradually and adhering to several important rules. First of all, steadfit decision to get rid of diapers. Yes, the first time will be not easy, the child will go to the pants in the habit, and in order to make it easier to cope with this, we carry wet wipes and replacement clothes. Dress up a child so that it is easy to change it, for example, girls skirts or dresses, and boys clothes with rivets.

  • At first, put the child to the pot as often as possible, approximately every 15-30 minutes, and in a couple of days you will already know when your baby must go to the pot. Squeeze the child to the pot and then when you see that he is going to shift, many children are blushing at that moment, grumble, grind. Surely, you yourself know how baby behaves in the process.
  • It is also important to pay attention to the progress of the baby in getting dancing to the pot. Baby regularly made his business in a pot? Praise him, Kiss, you can even come up with some interesting ritual who will increase the child's interest in this lesson.
  • Praise the crumb and before any people, tell them what your child is well done, it goes to the pot. Be sure to do it so that the child heard your speech and proud of himself.
  • In no case do not scold a child for failures or for unwillingness to sit on the pot, so you will only make worse. The child went to the pants? Just change his clothes, you can also say a mime that it is unpleasant to walk in wet clothing.
  • In order for the child calmly sit on a pot, try to put it with something, for example, a favorite toy or an interesting book. In an enthusiastic condition, the child will quickly make her affairs wherever it is necessary.
  • And for your own tranquility, remove all carpets from the floor, and the upholstered furniture are shuttered with waterproof diapers. So you get rid of yourself from extra nerves.

The advice is very simple, but as practice shows, very effective, with their help they were treated to the pot millions of children around the world.

Why can't teach a child to pot

Often, all the attempts to put the crumbs in the pot ends in failure, and this can have several causes. Perhaps your child has a 'crisis' one year, when he opposes any and all actions that make adults. "Do you want me to sit on the potty? And I think in a different way! ". This period, simply wait and not to put the child against his will.

Also, the reason can be a disease or pain while teething. The pain and discomfort just do not give crumbs to focus on the right.

Or maybe your little too carried away during the game, and does not notice that he needed to go to the toilet. Do not scold him for his mistake!

All depends on the nature of the child. If the child is too smart, he can give up the pot just because it would take away his precious time, and yet it is so much you need to get - and scatter toys and pull the cat's tail. These kids are accustomed to the pot longer than peaceful and quiet kids.

The same situation is with the boys, they are usually more bright and pliable girls. Be patient during toilet training.

Every child is unique, and each requires a different period for toilet training. The main thing - to be patient, and teach a child with love and affection, avoiding punishment, then success in this business is guaranteed!

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