How child teach tie shoelaces

How child teach tie shoelaces

Shoes on fashionable fasteners and velcro greatly facilitates the life of parents, teachers of kindergarten, and of course, the nerve cells of the mother with an independent dressing of the kid. But, sooner or later, you will have to learn how to laugh your shoes in order to be an adult uncle, do not fall because of your own unleashed shoelaces.

As a child to teach tie shoelaces - age

It is not so simple to tie myself even the simplest knot that is simple, so the age of mastering this technique is determined purely individually. One child is able to master the intricate procedure at 3 years, and someone and in 5 years will be in a burden. The most appropriate time is 4-6 years. But it should be remembered that small ladies develop a little earlier than boys, and may be puzzled by a question of this question earlier. At the first zeal of the baby, as soon as possible, learn it!

As a child to teach tie shoelaces - toys

Children better absorb the information and easily learn in a relaxed game form. There is a huge selection of simulators for learning the game. You can develop a small motorcy and start studying from 2 years. In stores you can choose not only toys in the form of shoes, but also various butterflies, caterpillars, houses, mugs and cars. You can also make a lacing toy together with the child - on a dense cardboard, draw the track from the shoes, cut out and do round holes. Give the young artist to decorate the cradle, pick up bright shoelaces and you can start learning!

How to teach a child to tie the shoelaces - practicing

After your baby mastered, in what holes and what lace to pull out, you can safely start practicing! In order for the child to be clear and convenient, stand behind him and take his hands into your own, then proceed to the tying of the knot and a bow. What is the way to choose? Try a few, your baby will decide what is simpler for him.

Two bunks

You will beat the training, feel free to say a comic voice and show stormy emotions. Here you will see the baby will be again and again ask to tie a lace. We offer to beat the skill of an interesting fairy tale:

  • Two worms met on the lawn - in the hands we take 2 lace.
  • "Come walk through the forest?", "Let's go!" - Laces crossed.
  • Wives for the handles - tighten the knot.
  • Runfe fun, handles are mashed - Mashet with shoelaces.
  • They met on their way 2 horses - Make a looping from the shoelaces, the likeness of the borrowed ears, Figure 1.
  • Bunny invite worms to eat sweets, and they took everything by hands - ears cross, Figure 2.
  • And they ran all in a mink - the loop is squocated in the loop and the knot is tied, Figure 3.


If the baby fails to do two ears, try tying a bow with one side. So, tie the knot, make a beautiful loop, we put it on top on the other side of the lace, "dive" into the resulting mink and delay.

Useful advice

If our recommendations did not help you, and the child can not learn anything in any way - calm down, exhale and show the tying process again and again. You will definitely achieve a positive result!

  • All classes spend in a lightweight, relaxed form. Try not to show your disorder and not lose self-control.
  • If the child pushes you and trying to tie a lace yourself - give him it! In no case do not wander it, do not criticize and most importantly - do not pry when he will do wrong attempts.
  • To cheer up and set up a child, praise it. Let him even have not tied up a bow and all attempts were in vain, they still praise him for the effort and perseverance.

Do not insist if the kid does not want to learn to tie his shoes. To cause an independent desire, I unobtrusively read the fairy tales about two lace, which lost and can not meet, turn on cartoons and show your example! At the bottom of the article presents the 17th series of barboskins about the laces, which has greatly helped many mothers in a positive toward child.

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