How to teach a child to walk

How to teach a child to walk

The kid grows so rapidly, and already after a very short time begins to try to make the first steps. Usually such a long-awaited event occurs in 9-12 months. So that parents can help the baby to master this skill, we collected 8 best tips, how to do it right.

First, let the time for the child to enhance it. It is at that moment that his fortress of the musculoskeletal system is formed, thanks to which he can continue to walk confidently. Do not keep it constantly in the Manege, bed or sofa. Lower to the floor, let it begins his exciting research travel around the apartment.

Interest its objects that he will not be able to take without rising to his feet. In order for it easier to be given the first steps, place the items so that the baby had to go a little behind them, holding the support. For example, let the baby hold on one edge of the sofa, and the desired toy will be on the other edge. You can even make a whole track from furniture: Sofa - Chair - table - welcome toy.

Show the baby examples. It is convenient to do while walking in the park. Show him how fun run the kids how they themselves go. Be sure to comment, pass the child with your speech.

If possible, give up the walkers. In them, the child "relaxes", begins to be lazy, because so moving much easier than to do it without support. We are also not particularly keen on the training of walking, in which you will support it under the mouse. Such classes can form an incorrect posture, dislocation. But after the walkers, almost 70% of kids are observed "Hypertonus muscles" and walking on his fingers. A worthy replacement of walkers and hands - entrance. They are not so expensive, but at the same time they have much more positive characteristics. First, the parent is always near and can trace the child's posture. Secondly, the baby does not fall out, which cannot be said about the walkers.

Try to the child's legs be barefoot. Do not exercise it as far as possible, because on the sole of the baby there are many sensitive points that it stimulates during walking, as well as this excellent exercise for hardening. As for the shoes at this age, quite often because of her, a child can be formed flatfoot, clubfoot and other, no less unpleasant deviations.

Treat philosophically to drops. They are inevitable! But from your reaction will depend on the reaction of the crumbs on them. You frightened - and he was frightened. Try to teach the baby not to be afraid to fall, it is better to dare, smile. In the future, this will help to avoid tedious hysterics during falls on walks.

Attract baby to a variety of movements. For example, teach it to drive and crawl off the sofa. Let him crawl over the floor, overcoming any obstacles (pillows, toys). And yet try not to allow them. Some kids are so impressionable that after one or two drops agree to postpone their training for a few months, while the fright fell.

Make your home as secure as possible for the young researcher. Remove the top everything that it may damage it, sharp corners glue with special stickers-corners, cabinets with hazardous objects can be seal, just knitting the handle or binding special blockers for doors.

Try to turn your teaching into an exciting game. Crawling with the baby, catch up with it or run away from it, attract dad. Let the child make the first steps between you, keeping your hands, as for the supports. And remember the main thing: children are very sensitive to praise, to affectionate words. Praise him even for the smallest successes, rejoice with him, and then your baby will not just start walking, but will grow healthy, happy and confident. After all, he knows that he loves him, he cares about him and he has reliable protection in the face of parents from all the troubles that can only happen.

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