How to reassure the child

How to reassure the child

Loud loud crying baby or the incessant hysteria of a matured baby - a rare parent did not come across such problems. The causes of the child's irritation is an infinite set. When solving the problem, it is necessary to take into account age, development, health status, temperament of crumbs and in each particular case to find the right approach and methods. We will advise several proven ways how to calm the baby. And to apply them in practice or not - to solve only parents.

To calm the baby, it is necessary to deal with the causes of behavior. Children under the year declaration declare their needs. Most likely, the causes of crying infant - physiological nature. Whereas the hysterical children have a manifestation of psychological discomfort. Some reasons to eliminate will not be difficult, while to solve others you will need to appeal to those skilled in the art.

A protracted monotonous decrease is accompanied by pain in the stomach newborn. Colic - a frequent guest of young children. Suffer the child will help the massage of the tummy. It is simply performed: massaging the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen of crumbs with circular motions clockwise. Then bend the legs and press to the tummy, straighten. Helps from colic kidding baby belly down on the phytball, warm bath, special teas: "Babushkino Lukoshko", "Hipp", infusion of fennel seeds and chamomile decoction. Teas are recommended to give a child in an amount not exceeding one teaspoon, three times a day. For the purpose of the doctor gives the child the medical preparations "Espumizan", "Distlatin".

The teething of teeth is accompanied by a novel pain and crying, capriciousness, child's concern. Remove the pain and calm the baby will help massage the swollen gums with a silicone children's toothbrush, which dresses on the finger. Effective toys-teethers. They massage the gums with a special reflex form and remove the pain due to the cool liquid. After consulting the pediatrician, cooling gels are used: "Calgel", "Holoval", "Dentinox".

The common cause of the restless behavior of the child is congenital or acquired hyperactivity. Such a kid often changes the mood, moving from extreme to extremes. Active toddler from the next hysteria will help active sports games and, oddly enough, creative classes: modeling, design, appliqué. Hyperactive kids do not perceive long-term conversations and instructions. Therefore, in dealing with the child, it is clearly and briefly formulating the tasks and sequence of their execution. It may take the use of drugs to calm the baby. In children's medical practice, the following medicines are used: "Bunny", "Glycine", "Bai-Bai", children's sedatives based on natural daisies, Melissa, Rosehip.

It is much more difficult to cope with the capriciousness of a child associated with psychological discomfort. The kids are angry from the lack of attention of adults, jealousy to youngest children, prohibitions. Younger schoolchildren may experience stressful situations in the team, overvoltage, dissatisfaction with themselves and others. In any case, it is necessary to identify the cause of behavior and reduce its influence on the child. Be sure to carefully listen to the crumb to clarify him by a friendly tone, in the game form to give advice. In each particular case, it is necessary to correctly navigate to the behavior of the child: in some situations you can distract the baby to an interesting occupation, to climb and calm the classical music. In others, you need to put specific tasks, the conditions of the child and clearly adhere to the set requirements.

In all circumstances, the manifestation of sincerity and care from parents will calm the little man, give confidence and reliability. But with frequent protracted manifestations of crying and unbalanced child's behavior, contact your pediatrician. Perhaps the reason for the concern of the kid has a physiological character and requires medical treatment.

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Maria 30/10/2018 at 20:02.

Thanks for the useful tips! But it happens such a thing as ADHD and here we will not save one conversations ...

To answer
Marina 21/11/2018 at 20:23

Yes, ADHD is a real problem for a child, and for his parents. To solve this problem, they were prescribed a Pantokalcin course. After a month, the child began to behave well.

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