How to wean from night feedings child

How to wean from night feedings child

Upon reaching the age of six-month baby, many mothers the question arises: whether it is time to wean your toddler to eat at night and how to do it correctly? Children are very long in need of tactile proximity c mother, so all your undertakings associated with the process of the abolition of night feedings, should be gradual, possibly painless (no risk of psychological family atmosphere, if in your life, and with it the life of the baby, come any changes).

The first thing to do - is to decide whether you continue breastfeeding (if the child is in the GW). If you do not want to completely give up breastfeeding, at least one night of food intake for a child you should leave, because in this period the day when feeding her mother in the body is produced by the hormone responsible for milk production - prolactin.

Pay attention to the weight of the baby, if it is not gaining kilos and under-powered during the day, it will be frequent nocturnal awakening - he will try to make up for lack of food. Increase the number of daily feedings or volume. The kid must during the day to get the daily requirement of food. With sufficient weight of the child for his age, can fully prepare for the crucial process cancellation night feedings.

Start with a decrease in the night portion of food (at the same time, try to replace it with water or unsweetened tea, if it is an artificial nutrition) and with an increase in the time interval between meals (removing gradually one night feeding). Together with this, in an hour or two before Sleep, tick the baby porridge, reach in the bathroom with soothing herbs, and immediately before bedtime, give it a mixture or kefir with a short applied to your chest (and not vice versa). Do not miss day feeding, as you have grown kids, playing, can forget to eat, omitting the lack of food at night.

Night awakening in children are often associated not with hunger, but with the desire to feel Mamina Touch and her voice. The reasons for crying at night a lot: colic in the tummy, the need to change diaper, poor sleep, hot or cold bed, rubbering teeth. In this case, and when the baby demands a breast of habit, his father can approach him at night. The child will not hear the smell of milk, and the dream will come faster.

Grown kids very well understand speech, intonation and what they are asked about. You can try to negotiate with the child. Explain to him that at night everyone sleeps, you need to eat when the sun shines. The child can be shifted, sing a lullaby, stroke the head. After several nights of the whims, he will stop waking up and demanding food at night. Try to teach the baby until a year to sleep in your crib. So he will wake up much less frequently.

The child itself is capable of regulating the processes of food in order to grow strong and healthy. Such knowledge in the children's body is laid out of nature. You like loving parents do not need to impose your own mode. Try to listen to your baby, understand it and do everything to be happy.

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