  • Health
    A person needs a healthy and full-fledged sleep that will refresh, cheer and give new forces for further efficiency.
    20.04.2019 266 2
  • Health
    Children for parents meaning their lives, they care about them to be healthy and happy. For the full life of the baby, and his parent, too, is needed regular and full sleep of a child, which sometimes becomes impossible for various reasons.
    20.08.2018 422 3
  • Health
    The appearance of children is joy, but do not forget that along with this there are also a lot of problems that avoid, well, it will not work.
    11.07.2018 492 1
  • Dream
    Why do people not dream of dreams? Let's find out for what reasons it can happen and what it is connected with.
    20.06.2018 352 0
  • Dream
    Sometimes sometimes there are so strange that they cause some horror, panic and other negative emotions. Because to start going the sum because of their dreams, we understand what you could dream of dreaming.
    09.06.2018 439 0
  • Dream
    Dreams with large dogs can be pleasant and frightening. The whole thing about a dream to dogs in general is afraid of him or loves them.
    09.06.2018 290 0
  • Dream
    Dreams filled with blossoms of roses create a feeling of romance and delight. After such dreams do not want to return to the sullen reality.
    03.06.2018 330 1
  • Dream
    Do you remember what day you dream something? And it is worth it because of the day of the week, it depends on the decoding of any dream.
    31.05.2018 385 0
  • Dream
    In a dream, we often make some actions: run, float, fly. No less important, in some location, we have to move.
    30.05.2018 316 0
  • Dream
    In many women, Spider reality causes not very pleasant sensations. And see such a creature in a dream, even more makes the female sex nervous and feel fear.
    29.05.2018 369 0
  • Dream
    Walk barefoot on the grass and the floor is pleasant and useful. Standing barefoot on the cold surface is harmful. Walk barefoot in a dream - what?
    29.05.2018 321 0
  • Dream
    Parting with a young man is rarely painless, and even a large number of time after parting, he can make himself felt if he does not reach, then in a dream.
    28.05.2018 357 0
  • Dream
    To see in a dream some kind of subject does not mean that it will be some kind of omen, it is important, in what environment and under what circumstances you saw it.
    28.05.2018 314 0
  • Dream
    A dream in which a woman sees a familiar man, talks about new acquaintances in the near future. If you saw this man recently revealed or just thought about him, then such a dream is not interpreted.
    28.05.2018 350 0
  • Dream
    Swimming in a dream promises a man good news and success in affairs. Especially good when water in the reservoir is clean and transparent.
    28.05.2018 275 0
  • Dream
    The mirrors are the subject of beauty and mystery, it was always, and remains to this day. It has long been long to mirror treated with extreme caution.
    28.05.2018 358 0
  • Health
    The theme of a dream and what happens to the brain during the night dreams is interesting and full of riddles. Especially attracting such a common phenomenon, as a conversation in a dream, with whom we had to face many of us.
    26.05.2018 297 0
  • Dream
    Most often, work is important for humans. Especially if the work is paid well and is largely similar to his aspirations, skills and life positions.
    26.05.2018 321 0
  • Dream
    How do you feel about your dreams? Do you remember them? Do they scare you? Many dreams after awakening disappear as ghosts, others "hang" in the head for a long time.
    26.05.2018 351 0
  • Dream
    How often do you see dreams? Some in most cases do not remember them, others, on the contrary, can thoroughly tell a dream, even if a lot of time has passed after it.
    26.05.2018 304 0
  • Health
    Snoring (or obstructive sleep apnea syndrome) manifests itself in the form of noisy breathing during sleep. Specific processes occurring in respiratory organs form a loud sound most often in exhalation, sometimes this phenomenon is noted on the breath of sleep.
    23.05.2018 320 0
  • Children
    Children are the main thing in the life of any parent and when there are some troubles related to children, it's just a tragedy.
    23.05.2018 335 5
  • Health
    How often do you dream of dreams? Probably quite often, and some seems happiness, if a person does not remember his dreams, because they.
    22.05.2018 329 0
  • Dream
    Looking for a train is an annoying trouble that can interfere with your plans, and sometimes radically change further life.
    25.03.2018 364 0
  • Dream
    People are very rarely faced in life with lies. These insects cause discomfort. To see them in a dream means that changes will happen in life.
    25.03.2018 385 0
  • Dream
    If you dreamed a motorcycle, then it does not always personify the road and exciting travel. This vehicle speaks of internal experiences and foreshadows a lot of events.
    25.03.2018 330 0
  • Dream
    If you swear in a dream, it does not mean that you will do it in life. Such a dream warns of future events that will happen to you, especially with quarrels with native people.
    24.03.2018 407 0
  • Dream
    Life is arranged in such a way that as a result of disagreements, banal quarrels, the nurses of characters people break up.
    24.03.2018 379 0
  • Dream
    Money play a big role in life and in a dream. Monetary dreams demonstrate different life aspects.
    23.03.2018 330 0
  • Dream
    Sleep, in which you drive by car, quite symbolic. The car decrypts as a person, and the road is like life.
    22.03.2018 380 0
  • Health
    Some perceive recognition in love from his native person smoothly and calmly, and others have a head.
    21.03.2018 338 0
  • Health
    If in real life you are waiting for something, it is projected into night dreams. Basically, this happens before organizing the holiday, for example, his birthday.
    21.03.2018 364 0
  • Dream
    You dreamed of a former lover. Such a dream can raise you and sow doubts, rightly you did that they broke up with him.
    21.03.2018 418 0
  • Dream
    Buying an apartment in the dreams foreshadows financial income, overcoming difficulties, cardinal changes.
    20.03.2018 407 0
  • Dream
    Dreams with fruit are associated with an intimate sphere of human life, especially apples. Sleep can have a dual sense, as well as correctly decipher it depends on your intuition and explanations in dreambooks.
    19.03.2018 360 0
  • Psychology
    Fly on the plane in a dream - a good sign. It predicts changes in life and profit. With a good landing, the target will be achieved soon.
    19.03.2018 421 0
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