What dreams of his pregnancy married woman?

What dreams of his pregnancy married woman?

Sometimes sometimes there are so strange that they cause some horror, panic and other negative emotions. Before starting to go to a sum because of their dreams, we understand what could dream of a dream. Let's find out for what reason the married lady can dream of her pregnancy and that such a dream can mean.

Emotions of sleep

If you woke up and clearly remember, what was a dream, do not start panicing, no matter how strange he did not seem to you. First, it is necessary to remember all the details and bright "sleep spots", that is, the moments that you remember most - it can be objects, images, actions, people.

Also, it should not be overlooked and your emotional activity - which emotions you experienced in a dream, what a dream had a dream (sad sleep that catches melancholy, strange, cheerful, etc.).

If a woman is pregnant and she dreamed like a similar position - this is natural, because every future mother constantly thinks about how she will give birth, how pregnancy will be prohibited, etc.


In dreams, usually pregnancy is deciphered as the birth of something completely new.

Tsvetkova describes pregnancy in a dream, as a manifestation of pride and purposefulness in reality, but if the dream has frightened his own pregnancy, it means that she should beware of new acquaintances in the near future (after all, in a dream it was the origin of the new one in her soul). Also try not to change the place of residence in the near future. Environment and work, having changed with change.

Dream Interpretation on Freud says that see himself in the status of pregnant, it means that you have already matured for real changes (the birth of a child, wedding with a spouse, etc.).

Interpretation of sleep:

  • If you see yourself in a dream in the position, and at the same time, watch yourself. As if from. So, in the near future you will be lucky and your well-being will increase.
  • If a married woman sees himself in a dream of a pregnant woman, and then she starts sudden contractions, and you obviously did not meet yet to give birth - it means that the future plans are not destined to come true, as if, not regrettable it did not sound.
  • If a married lady was not going to pregnant in reality in the near future, and in a dream she saw himself in a position, she should be saved his own, seemingly close people, because it was from their part to her deception and betrayal.
  • In the dream interpretary of Miller, the sleep under consideration decrypts as the unwillingness of a woman to be with his current spouse and pregnant from him is not worth it (because the inner voice of a woman is confident that this is not her fate and it always was).

Who will be born?

In a dream about your own pregnancy, a married lady must remember who should be born:

  • If in a dream a woman is confident that her boyfriend will be born, then such a sign can be called positive, in reality it is waiting for an increase in the career ladder, good luck in all household matters and family life. Do not forget that all this is expected soon, but will be accompanied by small troubles and difficulties, so to speak, will be in life and trouble.
  • If a married girl dreams of her pregnancy, and she is waiting for a girl, in reality she will have to face a whole series of difficulties, and quite complicated.
  • If a woman with a ring on his finger dreamed of her own pregnancy, and soon the appearance of twins is expected, in reality, harmony is waiting for all the fronts of her family life, so it's just not worth worrying about this.
  • If, in a dream, it is expected to replenish at once from three babes, in reality, the financial situation is improved at times, so get ready to think where to give the profit profit.

In any case, pregnancy in a dream does not bear some terrible and unpleasant warnings, omen, etc. Such a dream is nothing but just the indicator of your current state. Both moral and material.

Dreamed the dream and left after awakening unpleasant emotions, it is not necessary to globalize its meaning, everything needs to be simple, and then the bad dreams will not overcome, so they will not have to decipher.

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