What dream is a former man?

What dream is a former man?

Parting with a young man is rarely painless, and even a large number of time after parting, he can make himself felt if he does not reach, then in a dream. Let's deal with why there may be a former in a dream, even if he did not remember about him for a very long time.

Where to look for meaning?

Someone after such a dream might think that this fate itself suggests that you need to try to reunite with Milm, someone believes that if you dream that the person you did not think about, it means that he thinks about you . Others, they will simply stand in the morning, they will say "Chur, me, Chur" and continue life, as if nothing had happened.

The reaction in all of the same situation can be completely different, and it is not surprising, because each of us is individual, with your thoughts, goals, desires and emotions. So let's find out what is still it means to see in the dream of your former young man.

In fact, the meaning must be solely in my head. It all depends on how you belong to the former today, whether you have a feeling for him, would you like to reconcile with him again and whether you will be restarted with the enemies with him and would like to continue friendly communication with them.

Some will not even give the meanings to such sleep, others, on the contrary, decide to apply with such a problem to a psychologist or begin to get their own hands, but most of those. To whom it is interesting, for what the former dreamed, will look in the dream book.

Deciphering sleep in the dream

  • Dream Vangu. In this dream book, this dream is deciphered as follows - who saw such a dream is very felt about the person who was next to him earlier. It does not have to be a former young man, here he can perform in the form of a picture of a person close earlier, it can be a friend, a friend, relative, etc. You definitely miss this person, and longing, even if you do not show this and trying to convince yourself that it is not so, still eats you from the inside. Among other things, this dream may mean that soon your current young man will become former, so revise your relationship. And if you want to save them, try to find the reasons why you touch and resolve all non-infractions and resentment.

  • By Freud. It's no secret that this "Mozrev" sees everything silent in another perspective than ordinary people, he all comes down to sexual relations and sex, in general. What he believes about this is to see in the dream of his former guy, to the coming parting with the current beloved, and the reason for the analysis and the comparative characteristics of the present guy and the former (at least it will assume one of the parties). The main emphasis will be made on the analysis of the sexuality of partners, which will make the Susor with the end result of all relations, even if they were quite long. In this case, the dream is a harbinger of the scandal, so that one who dreamed of such a dream, if it tries well, can avoid it.
  • Dream Interpretation Loffana. In this dream book, it is said that the dream of having long foreshadows misfortune. If you decide to become his wife in a dream, be sure that it is very soon for you to life, it will break the trouble, and in large quantities. If, in a dream, your former sincerely and with all the exiting emotions is recognized to you in immortal love - there are already very unpleasant surprises on your threshold. If you see in a dream, as an ex-wife married another girl or shifts her in love. In your life, everyone gets better to get up soon, new opportunities will appear, enviable grooms will appear on the horizon and in your personal plan, too, everything will be fine.

  • Dream Miller. As soon as you dreamed of a former, wait for serious changes in life, not to notice them will be very difficult. It is impossible to say exactly what exactly they will be - good or bad, but that they will come very soon - it is definitely. If you dreamed, how do you put up with your past guy, perhaps soon you will meet it and is not a fact that this meeting will not lit a spark in you again. Kiss with the former (if he was not opposed to you in a dream) can foreshadow a pleasant meeting with cute and very positive people, acquaintance with which you have a number of positive emotions. If in a dream you have sex with the past guy, wait for not very positive emotions from others in the near future, it can also be a harbinger of a serious conflict.

Dream Interpretary by Days of the week

  • If the dream dreamed on the night on Tuesday, it means that the former responds positively about you, despite possible resentment in the past.
  • Sleep at night Tuesday - the former never ceases to think about the previous relationship and remembers you as the best that he had.
  • A dream about the former from Wednesday to Thursday means that the former did not forget you, but trying to do it hard, walking to the right and left with other passes.
  • On other days, this dream does not foreshadow nothing global.

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