What dreams dirty water

What dreams dirty water

Water in dreams is considered a reflection of the emotional component of life, spiritual values \u200b\u200band moral beliefs.

Dirty, turbid or rusty water in a dream symbolizes complications, troubles, quarrels, trust, illness, and loss. If you saw such a dream, think about it - you may have received a warning about future problems, but you still have the opportunity to avoid them.

Female dream book

  • Lake or pond with opaque, turbid water - such a dream talks about troubles, gossip, intrigue, cash loss are possible. Next to you may be insincere people.
  • If you saw a river or a stream with a rapid flow in a dream - there will be a serious obstacle in your way. Roots, dirt and garbage in the water suggest that events will not be easy to manage.
  • A step in a dirty puddle in a dream means to make some kind of rash deed, which you will later be increasingly regretted. Do not hurry with decision making, thoroughly think about your actions.

Dream Vangu

  • Dirty water symbolizes complex situations in life, difficulties in relationship with others. If you saw such a dream, try to show more attention and patience to your loved ones, be careful with colleagues and partners in affairs.
  • Circles discerning water, or ripples on its surface predict unexpected changes that will be hard to overcome. Resistance and courage will help you survive events in the upcoming whirlpool.

Dream S. Robinson

  • Dirty water in a dream foreshadows some real danger. If you wondered that you fell into a water-muddy water, you risk drawing an incorrect course, the consequences of which will be difficult to correct.
  • If in a dream you have dirty water under your feet - it symbolizes difficulties, anxiety, financial problems. Steak and wet the legs in such water - predicts difficult solutions and losses.

Dream Longa

  • Water is a symbol of psycho-emotional perception of reality and creative human abilities. Dirty water in a dream means a clogged mind loaded with superfluous or false information.
  • Natural cataclysms in a dream associated with water flows mean the internal struggle of a person with their fears and vices, spiritual decline, chaoticness of thoughts and actions, fatigue from life.

Dream Hasse

  • Dirty water is a symbol of complications and obstacles. If you drank such water in a dream, you are waiting for diseases, difficulties and disappointments.
  • If in a dream you heard the noise of water - you want to slander, you may have to defend your right with great difficulty.

Modern dream book

  • If in a dream you drank dirty water - it foreshadows a serious illness in the near future. Perhaps it will be a surprise for you, so consult your doctor. If you really identify health problems, the disease is easier to treat at the initial stage.
  • If you saw a glass with dirty water in a dream - be prepared for trouble, but there is a possibility to avoid them if you behave carefully. Possible complications in business from partners. Try not to trust the people around you too much.
  • Dirty water can also symbolize the betrayal of a loved one or betrayal of the spouse.
  • If rusty or muddy water flows from the crane - the dream foreshadows the disposal of something unpleasant and gone. It can be gossip, sprouts, slander. Get rid of this "dirt" in real life will not be easy.
  • Well with muddy water to prophesate difficulties in personal life and problems in affairs. Your plans are likely to be able to realize. If you raised a bucket with dirty water from such a well, quarrels are expected, the scandals associated with the lies.

Dream Miller

  • Dirty water will proper changes in life, but, unfortunately, for the worse. Perhaps, in reality, danger, betrayal, hypocrisy awaits you.
  • Muddy, raging water in a dream means some kind of evil in life. The more water you saw in a dream, the more negative fell into you in real life.
  • If you have dreamed that you have bathed or dipped in a dirty water with a dirty water - this may mean the collapse of all hopes and plans, victory of ill-wishers, reputation loss.
  • A favorable outcome can expect if in a dream you pour dirty water from some kind of container. Such a dream foreshadows the offensive in the life of a white strip after all failures.

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