What dream apple?

What dream apple?

Dreams with fruit are associated with an intimate sphere of human life, especially apples. Sleep can have a dual sense, as well as properly decipher it depends on your intuition and clarification in dreams. We will help you to solve, in which case a disgraced fruit is "apple of discord", and in what "molding apple".

Interpretation of sleep on the appearance of an apple

  • If in a dream you have dreamed of beautiful ripe fruit - it suggests that you have beautiful sexual relations with a partner.
  • Round large apple, denotes the women's essence of Yin, symbolizes fertility and motherhood, perhaps subconsciously you are ready to become a mother. Such a dream can be like a harbinger of ambulance.
  • An oblong fruit is a symbol of male starts yang. If you have a favorite or friend, he can become your destiny and a person for further family relationships. Lonely ladies are a sign to prepare for new romantic acquaintances and connections.
  • If you dreamed of a rotten or a worm apple in a dream, then old love relationships were exhausted, you need to finish them, otherwise they will scream all the vitality of you.
  • You have dreamed of a unimportant green apple, then your relationship with a partner at the initial stage, they must grow and improve. If ripe, the relationship is developing and gaining strength.
  • Black Apple - Health Problem
  • Golden apple - wealth, well-being and health for many years. You can be sure that in the intimate sphere you have complete harmony.

Dream of a sweet dish of apples

  • Dessert from apples on your table or a plate, which you enjoy with pleasure, talks about your sexual instincts that are not output. Think, it may be necessary to diversify your intimate life.
  • Perhaps there is dissatisfaction with its sexual partner or you yourself compounded in intimate intimacy do not give you to your sexual fantasies.
  • You lack tenderness, sensual emotions and manifestations of caress in a relationship with your partner.
  • Try in the morning to cook what you dreamed. If you want to try a dish, and you will like it, then sleep is good, and if on the contrary, then the dream will not bring you anything good.

If you do not like apples, and they tell you?

Sleep, where you dream of an apple or choose on the market, it is possible to have a different meaning if you do not eat this fruit in life, and he is disgusting to you. There are people who have apples causing allergies, and in their lives they excluded the fruit from their diet. For them, the dream will be interpreted differently. Such a dream will not bring anything good, he warns about the approaching troubles. It may be a quarrel and parting with a loved one or a problem in family life.

Apples in the dream book Vangi

  • Vanga Providian believed apples dreamed in a dream, mean that you successfully learn the world, learn a lot and gain experience in work. Being in constant contact with the oldest generation, we successfully implement knowledge from them to life.
  • Green non-reserved apple means that you are in a hurry in your actions and actions. We do not think about conclusions and take important decisions without consulting with the elders.
  • If you climb apples from a tree and add to the basket, then your work will not be rated soon, but only after a while you will say thanks for the efforts.
  • To collect fruits from the ground means that dubious ties await you who will not bring you anything other than disappointment and losses.

Apples - Dream Freud

  • Freud apples symbolize female chest. If men dream of an apple - this suggests that he is a great admirer of the female breast.
  • If ripe apples, juicy and large, he likes the weak floor representatives with large sizes and beautiful form of bust.
  • If the girl in a dream with an appetite eats the fruits of apples, then it is deeply at the subconscious level, it is a lesbian or she has fantasies about sexual relations with female individuals.

Apples Dreaming Eposa

  • If you are treated with fruits, then wait for a trick, you will receive a proposal from which you should refuse, and if you do not do this, then you will be drawn into a major science.
  • You are happy to eat an apple, you need to close your health.
  • An apple on a plate is interesting events in your life or surrounded by loved ones or friends.
  • Collect the Padalitsa, means you hung on what you do not belong or not available.
  • If you adhere to biblical interpretations, the apple is the fruit of the temptation and the great temptation, who made Adam and Eve sinners.
  • Apple rolls - get ready, I will soon come to visit you, cover and treats.

Apples favorite fruit, tasty, juicy, which is on our table all year round. The appleed apple usually is a good and pleasant sign, but much depends on what apple you dreamed. Read the dreams and choose the answers you like, relying on your intuition.



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