What dream of buying an apartment?

What dream of buying an apartment?

Buying an apartment in the dream book foreshadows financial income, overcoming difficulties, cardinal changes. Sometimes sleep can warn about interference that will affect the plans, as well as the need to invest all their strength.

Apartment purchase

Buying an apartment is an impersonation of commitments made, difficulties with money, new prospects.

  • If you saw such a dream, then in the near future it is successfully investing money or get an attractive amount of money. Now cash receipts will be stable, which will ensure a decent life.
  • If the purchased housing is already furnished with furniture, it can be expecting help from relatives in a difficult situation.
  • If the apartment has large sizes, the sleeping person feels safe in reality.
  • Beautiful purchased housing indicates overcoming problems and searching outputs from the current situation.

Apartment search

If you are looking for a new apartment, because there is no place to live, it testifies to the search for a dream of one's own destination.

  • Vision Search Apartment means achieving goals in the case of an application maximum application.
  • If you collected money on an apartment yourself, then you can only rely on yourself.
  • If the apartment allocated the state, then the dreams of the dream are unnecessary. In this case, you need to go down to the ground.

Location of the apartment

For accurate interpretation, you need to remember where the apartment was bought:

  • If in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe city, then the surrounding are trying to advise you how to live. In such a situation you need to be able to answer them that you do not need morals.
  • If in the factory district, then I will need to fight with difficulties, and also constantly worries.
  • Dormitory area. If the outlet has a bad location, then a large number of interference will be required to embody the dream.
  • On a high floor. The dreams tries to move along the social staircase.
  • At low floor. The dream is all right.

Appearance apartment

To expand sleep, you need to remember its appearance. Deciphering a dream from memories:

  • The room is dark and uncomfortable - conceived plans do not come true, and girls should think about their own security.
  • A small well-kept dream - dreams will soon be fulfilled, after which the dream is waiting for absolute harmony and happiness in the family.
  • Spacious premises - Improving business affairs.
  • Gorgeous apartment - problems with money and poverty.
  • Pure well-kept apartment - opening opportunities, no interference to implement a business plan.
  • An empty room with a ringing echo is a symbol of loneliness and hopeless situation.
  • Apartment filled with trash - you should think about your health.
  • If the apartment is on the upper floors, then the dreams are a person who seeks to highly set goals.
  • If the apartment was dreamed of the first floor, then it talks about pragmatism and that you are hard to stand on your feet.


The feelings that are tested in a dream have great importance. These may be joyful or concerned emotions related to the improvement of a new apartment.

  • If the purchase of an apartment does not bring joy, you will have to face human stubbornness. Even if you are right at 100%, you will not see anyone to convince.
  • Raspanic and concern in a dream about the impossibility of remembering the address of the purchased housing says about the choice of reveal between two people.
  • Return to old housing - means nostalgia last time. In such a situation, you need to let him go and go to meet the future.


Did you have a purchase of an apartment and moving to new housing? Then pay attention to some points:

  • Moving to new housing - awareness of fundamental changes.
  • Moving with a large number of things is a promising sign.
  • Changing the apartment - the dreams will face treason.
  • Quick move - changing the rhythm of life, the appearance of additional worries and hassle.
  • Settlement into a new apartment is a change of principles.
  • Settlement into the old apartment - you are waiting for interference on the way of achieving goals.
  • Tell move to a new apartment - the dreams does not go to adventures and does not risk once again.
  • Payment by cash for housing is the release of experiences that oppress.
  • The acquisition of cottages dreams of inheritance.
  • Buying an apartment at a very high price - your requirement to people around you too overestimated. Favorable acquisition - in real life you are also waiting for luck.

Another person buys an apartment

  • Your friends or friends are buying real estate, you will see changes in their lives.
  • If the purchase of the apartment is carried out for you, then Someone will soon help get a large amount of money.
  • The stranger buys an apartment that is somehow connected with you, then you must show attention to this person. This may be a post in which the needy asks for help. Or a sad story that will interest you and you will begin to follow him.

The house is a symbol of the fate of a person and the state of his soul. Proper decoding of the vision of the purchase of an apartment will help the desire to change something in his fate.

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