Why is a person talking in a dream?

Why is a person talking in a dream?

The theme of a dream and what happens to the brain during the night dreams is interesting and full of riddles. Especially attracting such a common phenomenon as conversations in a dream, with whom we had to face many of us. Why is a person talking in a dream and is it safe for health?

Strawing - What is this phenomenon?

According to statistics, about 5% of people in the world speak a dream, most of which are children under the age of 10. There is a scientific name of this phenomenon - dublochevia or negativeness. When sleeping says, screams, says notaneous sounds, it is considered to balance. Doctors do not consider it a dangerous phenomenon if it is not complemented by symptoms, which can threaten the health of sleep or close. As a rule, a person does not remember what he said. Many do not even realize that they lead night conversations, while they won't say close to them.

What do people say in a dream?

Emotional and easily excitable people are inclined to night conversations. Conduct night conversations can stressful situations or emotional events in a person's life. It can be:

  • Repetition of phrases that man used the day before;
  • Conversation with another person in a dream;
  • Sleeping monologue caused by subconscious. Such a monologue helps to find the right solution to some long standing problem or find a way out of a difficult situation.

The main reasons for conversations during sleep

Scientists have proven that the negativeness is manifested during the period of fast sleep when we have dreams, sometimes nightmares. A person can shout, talk loudly or swear in a dream. Also, a dublochevia can manifest itself in the slow phase of sleep, during this period a person can speak quietly, whispering, something unintelligible to mumble aloud. This phenomenon is explained by the active work of the brain section responsible for being speaking. The main reasons of the negativeness is:

  • Health status. Sleeping person can say when he has a high temperature, hot, after receiving certain medicines, when exceeding the allowable dosage.
  • Emotionality. Stress or strong emotional excitement experienced on the eve can be expressed by night speaking. The brain is trying to "digest" the current situation and place everything in places. Most often, the negative caused by emotional reasons is manifested in sensitive and vulnerable natures, as well as young children.
  • Psychological factor. A man suffering from insomnia, mental disorders, is more inclined to Somnochevia. Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping, intermittent, accompanied by a cry, loud statements. Scientists found out that a person who overwhelms anger and aggression during the day, splashing his negative emotions in a dream.

When do you need to ask for help?

In rare cases, the conversation during sleep may be a consequence of any disease or pathology. It is worth paying attention to such alarming symptoms as:

  • A man often starches nightmares, during sleep he shouts, swears, angry;
  • Creaks teeth;
  • During night dialogues, suffocating, becomes red, sweats.
  • Get out of bed, walks on the bedroom and goes beyond its limits.

What if a person is talking in a dream?

To stop talking out loud in a dream, first of all you need to relax after the emotional plan of the day tense:

  1. An excellent method of preventing night conversations can be a relaxing bath, receiving a sedative or tea with mint, listening to light classical music or nature sounds. It is necessary to give the brain to complete relaxation before bedtime.
  2. Do not load the brain by watching news, films with an aggressive plot.
  3. Do not pass before bedtime, eliminate greasy and acute food.

Strawing is a normal phenomenon with which a large number of people in the world faces. There is no reasons for concern if you were noticed behind the conversation in a dream after an emotional day, viewing a plenty film before bedtime or you are a sensitive nature. In case the monologues in a dream deliver inconvenience to others, cause a sense of fear, anxiety after awakening, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

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