How to sleep during pregnancy

How to sleep during pregnancy

In the expectant mom there are many hormonal changes and it works in emergency mode. Often, a pregnant woman from the first weeks of pregnancy feels her sleepy. But the increases in size stomach and uterine pressure on the urinary bladder leads to defective sleep. Lack of sleep is bad for well-being of women, therefore it is necessary to deal with it. If you know how to sleep during pregnancy, then sleep will be quiet and prolonged.

How to sleep during pregnancy - the correct position of the body

In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is not particularly think about the correct positions for sleep. But then go to sleep on my left side. This situation will ensure normal blood circulation, and to the fetus will be free to do all the nutrients that are necessary for its development in the womb. Night turns over on its right side and change position from one side to the other several times.

Pregnant sleep prohibited:

  • on the back. The fruit will start to put pressure on internal organs. Morning back pain, reduced pressure, and breathing difficult. At later stages of the uterus with the fetus compresses the vena cava lower, and it harms the child. To dream is not accidentally roll over on his back - enclose a large pillow. It will fix the position of the body in the bed;
  • on his stomach. It is clear that sleeping on your stomach uncomfortable, because it becomes large. But this position is threatened by the baby. body weight have a considerable, and in a dream no one controls his movements. Therefore, there is a risk to injure the fetus.

How to sleep during pregnancy - a pillow-assistant

If you lie on your left side, still enclose a small pillow under the stomach. Put another between the legs to reduce the load on the pelvis. Obtain pillow intended for pregnant women. They come in the form of a horseshoe, and will help to make the required posture, relieving insomnia. Pillows are made with the needs of future mothers. Buy a pillow on the size or consult your gynecologist about her choice. If on one side it is impossible to sleep - try using pillows to sleep in a half upright position. Can have the usual overnight pads in any place where it is convenient.

How to sleep during pregnancy - the organization of a full sleep

In order to make your dream become healthy and calm, properly prepare for it:

  • bedtime in any weather ventilate the bedroom;
  • if the feet are cold - put on socks for the night;
  • do not overeat before going to bed, but you will not go to sleep, and a strong sense of hunger;
  • sleep in comfortable clothes, does not restrict movement. You choose pajamas or gown made from natural tissues;
  • sleep on a comfortable mattress;
  • do not drink at night soda and drinks with a high content of caffeine;
  • do not watch TV before going to bed and do not read the book:
  • listen to soothing music before going to bed;
  • take before bedtime warm, but not hot bath.

How to sleep during pregnancy - getting ready to sleep during the day

To get ready for a good sleep even during the day. Pregnant women should sleep at least 8-9 hours. preparation of rules are as follows:

  • if it is bad to sleep, are excluded from the regime of the day naps;
  • exercise regularly, but first check with your doctor. He will recommend a list of exercises for pregnant women;
  • walk the street at night in any weather, but rain and heavy snow;
  • summer open the window at night;
  • to improve sleep, use aromatherapy. Put the pillow bag with herbs - lemon balm, lavender, hops, and the like.

Never use sleeping pills, if sleep is bad! Most drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women. Get help from a doctor. He may prescribe a tincture of Leonurus, valerian or Glycine. You do not have to take these drugs with the correct organization of the regime of the day and a choice of comfortable posture for sleep. Good mood, optimism and serenity - a pledge of full and sound sleep in pregnant women.

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