How to put a baby to sleep

How to put a baby to sleep

It is important from early childhood to teach the child to the sleep regime. Unregular or anxious dream will definitely affect well-being - the baby will be too emotional or sluggish. These states interfere with the normal development of the body. Methods of laying depend on the age and temperament of the kid.

If the child is still a baby, well fed it before bedtime. The movement of the baby is involuntary, so it is difficult for him to fall asleep due to active handles and legs. When you are divided, he will not be able to move with great activity and will fall soon. Make sure the baby hung well, and give him a pacifier. Air in the nursery should be cool and wet. Put it in the crib and turn on classical music or white noise (sound of a close waterfall, hair dryer, fan, vacuum cleaner, etc.). Swing the child is completely optional. Moreover, if you do it every evening, the baby gets accustomed and will not be able to fall asleep independently. It is preferable to simply stand nearby or sing a lullaby.

For children from two years, there are other ways of laying. Determine the time of preparation to sleep, for example, from 19.00 to 21.30. Tell your child that when the evening comes, you must prepare for sleep and go to bed. "Evening" is an objective fact that cannot be discussed. Try to install such conditions for a child so that he himself learned to follow the regime. You can buy him a special watch or an alarm clock for which it will determine the time to prepare and waste to sleep. For example, tell him: "Look, seven hours (or another symbol), what time to do?".

Create a ritual of laying. Tell your child that toys really want to sleep and wait for it when he wishes a good night. Then type it a warm bathroom with toys. Let him play there for 10-15 minutes. Water is very relaxing kids. After bathing, put on the child a soft and pleasant pajamas. If you wish, you can quietly turn on lullaby music or tell a fairy tale. Do not tell your instructive stories for the night, it is preferable to come up with or read an interesting fairy tale. After that, give him a toy and tell me that she really wants to sleep. It is important that the waste ritual to the sleep stops before the child falls out, otherwise it will turn into dependence.

In order for the child did not have the habit of someone or something alone, every day make small changes in rituals. For example, one day mom will lay a child to sleep, the second - dad, the third - bunny, etc. If the child is hard to fall asleep without you, tell him that every 5-10 minutes you will visit the room every 5-10 minutes. Thus, he will understand what is safe, and you will not disappear at the time when he sleeps.

If the child told you that he is scary - find out the reason. If it is afraid of darkness, turn on the night light. Hand to give him a favorite toy and tell me that now it is a defender who rines all nightmares. You can also teach his prayer that will protect it during sleep. If he is still afraid, read the book or tell a funny story. Stay with him until it falls asleep or go into the room at certain intervals. The child can feel bad because of the tense situation in the family, so avoid quarrels, scandals and find out the relationship calmly, without negative emotions.

Try to make the day of the baby as much as possible and rich. Let him more often walk in the fresh air, communicates with children and plays informative games. In the evening, lead yourself more calmly so that the child learned to distinguish the day and night.

Calm sleep is one of the indicators of good health. He makes the nervous system tight, strengthens immunity and helps to learn new knowledge gained in the day. Properly organized preparation to SNU will allow the child to calm down and quickly fall asleep, and in the morning wake up cheerful and rested.

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Mary 04/09/2018 at 9:52.

Everything is correct written, be sure to keep the mode and go to the same time. You should not watch cartoons, we read books before bedtime or lullaby listen, despite the fact that the daughter is already 5 years old. Sometimes it is very tired especially when classes begin, I give her Baby Bear formula, to calm, tea with mint and melissa drink.


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