The child has caries, what to do

The child has caries, what to do

The immune system in a younger age is not fully formed, so it often does not cope with the growth of bacteria on the teeth due to the increased use of sucrose, which can lead to caries. If the disease is not treated in childhood, it can continue, and when the child grows up, contrary to the presentation of many parents that caries will disappear along with the loss of milk teeth.

Today, children's caries treatment with dentists is performed using careful technologies, which allow you to work with kids up to two years of age. For the treatment of dental caries, silvering method is widely used. The procedure is to process the affected teeth with a 30% silver nitrate solution. To stop the carious process, it is enough to carry out 2 or 3 medical procedures with breaks up to a week. You should feed the baby before the start of the procedure, since after its completion, dentists do not recommend eating food, water for half an hour at least.

The silver film has one feature - it blackens after application. Do not be scared of this, since it is this film that will fight the caries that appeared.

Parents need to remember that unbearable caries can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of the child. Infections and bacteria on the affected teeth will constantly enter the body with food.

The doctor can also treat a damaged tooth with special preparations of calcium and sodium. This will help restore lost minerals in the teeth. Over time, trace elements will penetrate deep into it and strengthen the enamel of the tooth. Only the dentist will establish the necessary duration and method of treatment of milk teeth affected by caries. The remineralization method copes well with surface caries in stains, as well as as therapy.

If caries has moved to a deep or middle degree, the treatment of teeth becomes impossible without the use of drill. The carious cavity of the tooth is completely cleaned with a machine, after which it is treated with a fortifying drug of calcium. A temporary seal is placed on the medicine on top, calcium will help the formation of secondary dentin.

Another method of combating children's caries is depopores. It is used for serious carious teeth lesions. To clean all the channels, they are introduced non-hazardous for the baby of the hydroxide of a copper-calcium. This solution seeps into the most inaccessible places, disinfecting them. The depoporesal procedure is carried out under the action of a small electric current. The baby will not feel uncomfortable, since the place of influence will be in advance, and the charge is too small.

For diseases of caries, it is also necessary to maintain individual cleaning of the oral cavity, there is a smaller sugar and containing its products, to lean more on dairy products rich in calcium.

Alternative and effective methods of treating children's caries are ozone therapy and photodynamic therapy. As you know, ozone adversely affects bacteria. Using this feature, dentists successfully fight with beginner caries of milk teeth. During photodynamic therapy, medicinal products are applied to the tooth, which, under the influence of laser light, penetrate as much as possible and treat the tooth.

What to do if a child has caries? Noticing the first symptoms of the disease, hurry to visit the dentist. In the initial stages of the disease, caries is treated faster, simpler and cheaper. Having processed the enamel with silver, in just 2-3 visits you can suspend the began carious process, and the whole procedure will take about 5 minutes, which the baby will definitely be able to withstand. With advanced stages for caries treatment, much more time and money will take.

Comments leave a comment
Marina 25/21/2018 at 11:58

Well, they still know what needs to be followed by our teeth, so why we, our parents, are so irresponsibly treated with the health of our children. I'm not talking about everything, of course. But to see a child to bad teeth is very sad. In the article, everything is correctly written and we try to perform such procedures, and for the health of the teeth I give my vitamins of calcium+, useful sweetness for teeth.

Faya 08/08/2019 at 16:08

What a stupid question ... you need to treat, but so that this does not need to deal with your teeth ... My daughter has a teeth in excellent condition, all due to the fact that I accustomed her to take care of them and give a beta the formula of the bear of the calcium for strengthening, so caries in the child in this Broken parents!


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