Cuts tooth wisdom than to anesthetics

Cuts tooth wisdom than to anesthetics

During the growth of the tooth, wisdom arises severe pain. The inflammation that appears prevents normally to talk and eat food. There are means, with which you can remove painful sensations. Consider them separately.

Anesthetics. You will need one of the following drugs: "Analgin", "Nurofen", "Breed", "Ibuprofen" or "Nace". Be sure to read the instructions and do not exceed the reception of the specified dosages. Otherwise, poisoning may occur. Note that these drugs cannot be taken too long. The maximum reception time is five to seven days, after which experts recommend to pass urine and blood analysis, since adverse changes may occur in the body.


"Maraslavin". This tool is often used in dentistry. It consists almost from natural components. Take a piece of wool, moisten it with a solution and attach to a sick tooth for a while. The tool can be used five to eight times a day.

Alcohol tinctuine propolis. Dissate a couple of drops of tincture in 200 ml of water and carefully rinse your mouth. Propolis has excellent disinfectants and anti-inflammatory properties.

Soda and salt. If you urgently need to anegize the tooth, and at hand there are nothing, put in a glass of 2 tbsp. l. Salts and 1 tsp. soda. Fill it with warm boiled water. Mix thoroughly. Rinse your mouth with this solution two to three times a day. It is well disinfects injure your gums. The pain will subside for a while.

Tincture from the root of chicory. If you are a supporter of traditional medicine, you will fit the next recipe. Put in a saucepan of 1 tbsp. l. dried and crushed chicory root. Fill it with a glass of boiling water and negotiate five minutes on fire. When the tincture cools, strain it. Now it can be used to rinse the mouth. Use the tool no more than four times a day. It will remove the inflammation and partially declining the gums when teething tooth. Instead of the root of chicory, you can use the bark of oak, Melissa or chamomile.

Tincture of calendula. You need alcohol tincture of calendula, which can be found in any pharmacy. Divide 1 tbsp. l. Solution in 100 ml of warm water. Periodically, wechit the mouth with this means. Calendula has a wound healing and soothing effect. It will help prevent the inflammation of the gums and stop the growth of harmful bacteria.

Compress. In some cases, warm or cold compresses can help. Dentists do not recommend heating the cheeks or gums, since the pain could arise due to infection. In this case, heating will only aggravate the situation, because the bacteria multiply in the warm environment faster. But the cold compress makes sense to try. Put some ice in cellophane cookes, wrap it with a towel and attach to the cheek from inflammation for five to ten minutes, no more.

Health care. The teething of wisdom teeth can lead to serious consequences. One of them is the inflammation of the ternary nerve of the face, which is very painful and difficult to treat. Be sure to consult a dentist and consult him about the painful sensations. In some cases, there is a need for a teething of gums or removing the tooth, after which the patient can experience pain and discomfort for several days.

Preferably use herbal tools. But if you are more convenient to take painkillers, alternate them with other means. This will help reduce intoxication and risk of unwanted consequences. In any case, when painful sensations appear, immediately refer to the dentist.

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