How to relieve toothache

How to relieve toothache

When you have an acute toothache, the best option will urgently contact the dentist, because the reasons can be very serious. But what if there is no way to get to the doctor in a short time? Available means of traditional medicine and painkillers will help.

To begin with a toothbrush with soft bristles, carefully cleanse the teeth, gums and remove all pieces of food that could provoke pain or inflammation. Take analgin, bargalgin or nurofen inside inside. In most cases, they cope with pain very quickly.

If your home medicine cabinet is completely empty, a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide will come to the rescue. Mix a little peroxide and warm water in equal amounts, soak a cotton swab with a mixture. Apply it to the inflamed gums. Keep the application for at least 8 minutes.

Do not despair the absence of hydrogen peroxide in your house. The table salt will be indispensable. Dissolve one tablespoon of salt in a glass of water at room temperature. Rinse your mouth with a solution several times a day.

A good help will be garlic, onions or pork lard. Propolis, dry calamus and red beets cope well with pain. A small piece of any of these ingredients should only be applied to the sore spot, as after 15-20 minutes the pain completely subsides.

Herbal infusions based on sage, mint, cloves, calendula, calamus or lemon balm soothe inflamed gums. Pour the grass with a glass of boiling water, let it brew and rinse your mouth at least five times a half hour.

However, at the first opportunity, you should immediately contact the dentist. The therapy of dental pain should not be put off or try to treat inflammation on your own. A serious disease can be hidden behind pulling flour.

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Diana 09/09/2019 at 23:50

I am terribly afraid of dentists, a friend advised a doctor in the clinic of Dr. Razumenko. He treated at Gavrik S.A. An excellent doctor, everything went easily and not forced, I did anesthesia so that I did not even understand what it was, but there was a strong pulpite, a painful tooth. And by the way, there are very attractive prices. And they do excellent prosthetics, I heard this from other customers in the clinic.


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