How to quickly remove the hangover

How to quickly remove the hangover

Thumping syndrome - the consequence of excessive alcohol consumption. Due to abundant recovery, intoxication and dehydration of the body occurs. Basic symptoms: nausea or vomiting, headache, spasms and stomach pain. Well, when you do not rush anywhere on the next morning. But what if you need to urgently come back?

It is not necessary to remove the hangover as a way to use a new dose of alcohol. Bottle of beer or 100 grams of vodka with cucumber will lead to even greater dehydration of the body.

First of all, it is worth filling the loss of liquid. Therefore, drink a glass of cold water, can with the addition of lemon or honey. It is better to put a bottle of water on the nearby bedside table from the evening.

If you are not against the use of drugs, then see what is in your first aid kit. Citramon is suitable for headaches. For purification - activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet by 10 kilograms of weight. For example, if you weigh 90 kilograms, then you need to drink 9 tablets. There are special funds aimed at relieving firing syndrome - Alkaazelser or Zerax.

Take a shower, better contrast. Wash your head. Experts advise to abandon the hot bath or visiting a bath or sauna: so you finally delete the body. Carry the room. All this will help you cheer up.

Refuse abundant breakfast: scrambled eggs, sausages, multicomponent dishes and salads with mayonnaise. Food should be easy. Ideally - soup or chicken broth. If you love porridge - welcome oatmeal, better on the water. To help cope with a hangover sauerkraut and pickles. Fruit - bananas and lemon. Jelly or jelly contain glycine and relieve withdrawal symptoms.

It is better to abandon strong tea and coffee. Herbal infusions are suitable: hops, mint, chamomiles, melissa. From fermented milk products, you can choose kefir, ajane or koumiss. You should not use milk, it can provoke vomiting. Also suitable kvass or brine from salt cucumbers. Choosing juice, give preference to a tomato or orange.

If you have the opportunity, walk in the nearest park or just go out into the street. Even the usual trip to the store will help. In the fresh air, the body is saturated with oxygen. Fast walking will strengthen blood circulation and accelerate the excretion of slags.

If all of the above did not help, use the secrets of Eastern Medicine. Intensively sort the ears, several times intensely press the point between the big and index fingers. To combat the headache, make an exercise: slowly inhale, counting to five, hold your breath for 5 seconds and also slowly exhale.

Do not forget that the best way to combat a hangover is a moderate alcohol consumption.

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Oleg 01/31/2018 at 15:45.

Good day to all! He is certainly not particularly kind, yesterday, a friend's birthday was celebrated. What to take to quickly get rid of hangover? And then it is very bad ...

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Alina 04/02/2018 at 0:03.

Oleg, it is clear that your condition is already better than when you wrote, but I still write to the future. You are immediately taken by enterosgel next time, you definitely won't be so sick with him. I always take him on my husband on vacation, and then we sometimes love to dine with a glass)

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Yana 30/11/2020 at 1:35

The hangover will not pass so quickly until they write up, and it will be subtring.

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Dmitriy 30/11/2020 at 17:39

If he strongly went over and well-being is not particularly pleasant, it would be nice to start receiving Mexidol Forte, three times a day to take pills and the shaking will pass, the head will not make noise and in general health will be better!

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