How to remove pain after removing the tooth

How to remove pain after removing the tooth

The removal of the tooth is an unpleasant procedure through which almost every person passes. Painful sensations, hematomas and swelling of mucous - symptoms, sometimes resulting from this small surgical operation. At the end of the anesthetic in the area of \u200b\u200bremote tooth, the occurrence of a pulsating or minor pain is not excluded. In some cases, you can help yourself.

If the removal of the tooth passed without complications, immediately after the operation, without waiting for anesthesia, take anesthetic recommended by the dentist. Usually, with a simple removal of one drug intake, it will be sufficient to relieve pain.

After the operation, physically do not bother and do not lean to avoid blood flow to the well. It can provoke bleeding and the appearance of painful sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bremote tooth.

Pouring sensations may appear if you use hot food or drinks, smoking, taking alcohol, decide to visit the sauna or bath. Temporarily refrain from such events.

This holiday is important. Smallest active movements of the jaw. On the side where the tooth was removed, do not eat. Try to fall asleep at least 6 hours. As you know, in a dream the pain passes unnoticed.

To avoid the appearance of edema and unpleasant sensations - apply the cold for 10-15 minutes to the cheek in the area where removal was performed. Such cold compresses can be made only with the permission of the dentist surgeon.

After removal, in no case do no rinsing. Such a procedure can be washed out of the wells formed clot, provoke the development of alveolitis, infection of the wound and appearance, strong pain in the area of \u200b\u200bremote tooth with irradiation on half of the face.

With difficult removal, there is a significant injury to tissues of gums and a large pressure on the jaw. For 3-4 days after surgery, make baths based on antiseptic non-alcohol solutions or grasses decoction.

You can clean your teeth and you need, but at the point of removal of the tooth do it neatly. Compliance with hygiene will exclude the possible infection of the wells and the appearance of pain.

If the pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe remote tooth does not leave you within a few days (at the same time, the painkillers do not help), the blood cloudy was not formed (the hole continues to bleed), at the place of the remote tooth you feel the sharp bone edges, you have an increase in body temperature Or the holes fell from the holes (you feel a constant pain from any external influences) - urgently contact the specialists, do not postpone your visit to the dentist.

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