Cuts tooth wisdom what to do

Cuts tooth wisdom what to do

An adult man in a normal state has 32 tooth. The last teeth are called wisdom teeth in each row. This name is due to late desert. They grow up aged 17 to 30 years and often bring intolerable pain. To prevent complications, you need to know what to do.

In many cases, the tooth of wisdom seeks to take not his place, so shifts the surrounding teeth. If you started feeling pain, contact the dentist immediately. He must inspect the tooth and establish the cause of pain. If it turns out that the tooth takes a vertical position, does not interfere with the rest, does not injure the oral cavity, the doctor can help him grow up, by excised part of the gums. After that, pain will be felt within a few days, and then subsides.

To eliminate pain, you can use special painkillers, for example, "took", "ibuprofen", "Analgin", "Nurofen", etc. While taking drugs, follow the instructions. Do not take them more than 5-7 days, because a long-lasting technique may well affect the work of the heart. There is another good tool - "Maraslavin". This drug is intended for the oral cavity. His work is to shoot from the gums swelling and pulling the pus.


If you do not have the ability to purchase painkillers, rinse the mouth of soda and salt. Pour warm water into the glass (pre-boil it). Put there 2 tbsp. Salts and 1 tsp. soda. Two or three times a day, rinse your mouth with this composition. The pain will leave, but for a short time - two or three hours. Also relieve inflammation and pain will help brazers from herbs. Brew the calendula, chamomile, sage, etc. In order for the infection in the rink, rinse the mouth after each meal with a solution of manganese.

Some people eliminate pain helps warming up or vice versa, cold. Try both the other way. Take a hot water bottle or something else and attach to the cheek. If the pain does not pass or get intensified, try the cold compress. Take the ice and pour it into a cellophane package, then wrap a terry towel and attach to the cheek. Keep the compress no more than 5-10 minutes so as not to overcool. If the pain is enhanced - this agent is not suitable.

The gum massage can also help relieve pain for a while. Well wash your hands and treat them with a disinfecting composition. You can take cloves or sea buckthorn oil, apply it to your fingers and carefully lubricate the tooth. After that, make light movements on the teeth with the tips of your fingers.

There is another method that is recommended for applying only adult people. Pour high-quality vodka in a glass and hold it in the mouth for two minutes. After that, the pain subsides for several hours. Alternatively, you can use medical alcohol from the first aid kit. Do not forget to pre-dilute it with boiled water.

Why-need drinking water

In some cases, removal of wisdom teeth is required, since they can simply change the bite. This is done necessarily and is required in neurological diseases associated with a teething, a curve of a tooth in the gum, caries and a strong inflammatory process. But sometimes it is enough to cut a part of the hood, which covers the tooth of wisdom. The dentist will help you to figure it out and solve this problem.

Try to visit the dentist once every six months. You may not even know that your tooth breaks out, but in the future it can lead to complications. A good doctor will notice in time and will prevent the problem.

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