How to remove the inflammation of the tooth

How to remove the inflammation of the tooth

The inflammation of the tooth indicates the presence of infection and is often accompanied by strong pain. Professionally help in this case can only be a dentist. But it happens that it is not possible to get to it. The inflammation of the tooth can be reduced, remove, resorting to folk remedies.

The most efficient means is the reception of antibiotics. Perhaps it will be only after visiting the doctor who will definitely identify the diagnosis and prescribe medications that are suitable for you.

Rinse with alcoholic beverages gives facilitating the state. You take any strong drink - whiskey, brandy, vodka. It is necessary to make a big sip and hold on the sore side. Pain will decrease, the gums slightly numb. After rinse, be sure to spit alcohol.

A very popular, affordable way: one cup of water to pour a few drops of iodine, a teaspoon of any salt, soda. Rinse during the day several times.

Drink cloves in cotton swab and attach to the inflamed tooth. If you do not have such an oil, you can chew several pieces of carnations. This plant has been used for removal of dental pain since a long time.

Propolis is an excellent anesthetic, whose action is similar to Novocain. Take the ready-made alcohol solution, rinse your mouth or moisten cotton swabs and set the gums tooth. If you have a piece of propolis, you can put it next to the tooth.

The rinse of medicinal plants will also give a positive result. Possess the antiseptic properties of chamomile, sage, plantain, St. John's wort, AIR.

A tablespoon of calendula tincture stiring with a glass of warm water. Rinse with solution during the day 4-6 times.

Surely you have an aid kit there are painkillers, such as Nurofen, Analgin, Ketanov. These medicines will reduce only pain, bring temporary relief, but will not eliminate the cause of inflammation.

Even the most effective way will not cure the tooth, but will only remove the symptoms, so at the first opportunity it is necessary to visit the dentist.


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Irina 03/03/2020 at 18:12

As for the teeth, my Iron Rule is to apply only to professionals with good equipment. Free dentistry for me is closed for a long time. Once there was an unsuccessful experience, I had enough of this, I fixed the mistakes for a long time, so now I go to the dental clinic of Doctor Razumenko. The colleague advised at work for a long time and I really liked them. And prices are acceptable and services are very high quality, without queues. Quite often, the shares pass, in early February he treated the caries with a discount.

Veronica 13/03/2020 at 15:13

That's right, contact your doctor and treat your teeth. But when there is no opportunity to immediately turn, I just take an anesthetic dialrapide, helps quite quickly by the way. And now I think what to do and on when to sign up for a dentist.


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