Why gums hurt

Why gums hurt

The disease of the gum is the second in the prevalence of the disease along with caries. They are divided into two main types: gingivitis - inflammation of gums, periodontitis is the damage of bone tissue, which is supporting the tooth. The causes of the occurrence of pain in the gums can be different. Their danger is that a person can not guess anything for a long time, since the symptoms initially are practically not noticeable.

The disease of the gum (gingivitis) most often arises due to the careless care of the oral cavity. Doing human hygiene contributes to the development of pathogenic microbes in the mouth. Bacteria multiply, form a raid on the teeth, which annoys the gums. They begin to bleed, inflamed and weaken. At the same time, the gums depart from the tooth, forming a "pocket". Microorganisms are breeding there even more intensively. The process accompanies an unpleasant smell of mouth. Do not slow down with a visit to the dentist with such symptoms, otherwise the disease will adopt more severe form - periodontitis.

In case of disease, periodontitis, when the root sheath of the tooth is inflamed, the pain in the gum can only localize about one tooth. It is usually preceded by some kind of injury. For example, biting of very hard food, presses the crown, a bad prosthesis or an integral caries originated. In this disease, the tooth becomes very sensitive to pressure, and the gums are inflamed and hurts due to suppuration. Periodontitis is dangerous complications and requires serious treatment.

Stomatitis is another common disease associated with pain in the gums. It proceeds more often as an independent disease, although it may be a symptom of other troubles. Stomatitis in language (glossitis) occurs due to excessive use of acidic or salty, very cold or hot food, smoking, lack of vitamins, and is also associated with the exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Periodontal disease and periodontitis - diseases associated with painful sensations in the gums. The most common cause of the disease is the lack of vitamins E and S in the human body. Overbite, tooth decay, neglect of oral hygiene - increase the load on the teeth and gums. All this can cause inflammation of the gums, their swollen and bleeding. In the beginning, the symptoms are not very visible: a light burning, itching in the gums.

Periodontal disease in humans is most likely after the age of 35 years, but it is possible earlier. Several reasons for this. For example, metabolic disorders causing endocrine diseases (gout, diabetes), demineralization of organism, coronary heart disease, stress, genetic predisposition.

When periodontal disease is manifested pain in the gums while cleaning the teeth, while biting, chewing solid food. Teeth and gums are painfully react to sweet and salty, hot and cold, even in the cold air during inhalation. Then the tooth tissue peels off, exposing the trunk of a tooth. The teeth become loose, fall out. Therefore, it is important to timely, comprehensive dental treatment. You need to bring the inflammation under control.

If you do not start the treatment of periodontal disease and periodontal disease in a timely manner, due to the softening of the tooth adjacent to the gum and tooth loosened the fall. Local inflammation spreads very rapidly to the entire gum, resulting in the loss of more than one tooth, and a plurality of teeth. Any of these infectious diseases of the gums should be treated by a dentist as soon as possible to avoid serious consequences.

Periodontal disease - a serious, dangerous disease. This process is irreversible. With the help of modern medicines can be suspended, but to fully restore the gum tissue is not possible. Therefore, at the first signs of gum disease, bleeding, inflammation should go to the dentist and begin treatment.

Comments leave a comment
Svetlana 22.04.2018 at 13:55

Hello everyone! Tell me, why can hurt the gums? Illness or some may be the lack of any vitamins?

Irina Shapovalova 04.24.2018 at 14:48

Svetlana, certainly better to consult a dentist, he will tell you exactly. And gingivitis in the first mind that comes. Rinse different there, more good Holisal gel helps relieve your fine. It used to have? Or the first time?

Irina 09.24.2018 at 21:49

And still stomatitis can be. I recently had it - I began to clean my teeth, something hurts straight - and there is an ulcery with a pus ... rinsed with whisocida for several days, the yasel pulled out completely.

Yana 11/07/2019 at 14:27

Yes, there are many diseases, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis .... It is necessary to treat and refer to the doctor to not run this process.

Anastasia 12/07/2019 at 12:02.

Oh, periodontitis is the worst ... There is generally to the loss of the tooth. But if you do not run the problem and attend your doctor during, you can only avoid. As soon as they begin to beat the gums, I immediately cultivate them to remove inflammation and pain and record a doctor. It does not often happen, but happens ((

Marina Vlasova 09/309 at 0:13.

If the gums begin to bleed, do not tighten the visit to the doctor, as I did it. The gums were disturbed for a long time, but I did not give the values \u200b\u200bto such unpleasant symptoms as a bleeding, obsessive smell of mouth, a dark flight. Thought that a beautiful snow-white smile was a beautiful beauty from the television screen. When the pain became impossible to tolerate, he wrote down to the doctor in the Dental Clinic of Dr. Razumenko. I found the disease on a fairly launched stage and to get rid of it I had to go through a number of procedures. Thanks to the staff of the clinic and my attending doctor for care and successful treatment. Now nothing bothers, the gums are healthy.

Lyuba 11/11/2019 at 17:34

In order for such problems, it is necessary to support local immunity of mucous membranes, because it is because of any infection that all sorts of pain arise. I am absorbed for this orvis lysozyme (I order shops. Evallar, it's more convenient) and the mouth, the throat is constantly wrinkled with water with soda. I have never bothered anything yet.

pleased 25/07/2021 at 16:29

I have a period of bleeding gums, they are inflamed and hurt. On the advice of the dentist changed a toothbrush, and bought a rinser based on herbs - whisfid. When problems with the gums begin - I start rushing my mouth (there is still a spray form) by this wonderful rescueer. It becomes easier for sensations, the state of the gum is improving. So this remedy always lies with the mirror in the bathroom.


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