Why the stomach hurts and how to deal with it

Why the stomach hurts and how to deal with it

Very often we are worried about abdominal pain. It happens a different nature, intensity and localization. The character of pain depends on the organ in which the pathological process occurs. This also depends on the treatment algorithm.

Abdominal pain during gastritis and stomach ulcers

With these diseases, the increased acidity of the stomach is most often found. It manifests itself with a sense of acid in the mouth and smoothed puzzles of the language. Pain occurs after a meal, especially sharp, hot and fried. May serve if you drink cold milk. The pain is pronounced and localized in the opposite region. With ulcers, it is acute. Additional symptoms are slimming, poor appetite and dark colors.

With such symptoms, it is necessary to contact the hospital where you will hold fibrogastroscopy with acidity measurement. The pain should be eliminated by the reception of drugs that reduce the acidity of the stomach. The best choice is the proton pump inhibitors: omeprazole, omise, Rabeprazole, Pantoprazole. Preparations are accepted on one tablet twice a day.

Abdominal pain during reflux disease

There is a common disease in which the gastric juice is thrown into the esophagus and leads to its damage. This is accompanied by pain that has its own characteristics. It occurs after overeating and physical exertion. It can be intensified in a horizontal position and under the slopes of the body. Localizes more often behind the sternum. Such patients are often bothering cough and row on teeth.

This disease is confirmed by measuring the pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter. The pain is also worth eliminating drugs that reduce acidity. And to protect the mucosa of the esophagus from damage, take enveloping drugs.

Abdominal pain in intestinal spa

In the spasma, pain can be localized in any segment of the abdomen or occupy all its area. It has acute character and occurs periodic. The cause of pain can be organic or functional. Even emotional shifts can cause it. The treatment is best suggesmolytic drugs. But-shp is the most famous representative.

Stomach pain with liver colic

The cause of colic is a bell-free disease. When passing through narrow horizons, their stones irritate and cause severe pain. It is localized in the right hypochondrium and can be given to the umbilical area. This may be accompanied by the yellowing of the scler and the skin.

The pain is very intense and causes the doctor. For its removal, antispasmodics, atropine or magnesia are used. In the future, it is worth solving the issue of surgical treatment of the disease.

Abdominal pain during appendicitis

The inflammation of the appendix causes pain and a number of other symptoms that should make you urgently cause ambulance. The pain is initially localized in the lower right square of the abdomen. After a while it applies to the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach. It is accompanied by temperature and nausea. Painfulness subsides at the right side of the right side.

An important symptom is a sign of irritation of peritone. To check it, you need to slowly deepen your fingers into the stomach at the location of pain. After that, the hand is sharply separate. The symptom is considered to be affirmative if after that pain is noticeably enhanced. Such patients should be treated only in the surgical department, where they will be held appendectomy.

Abdominal pain worries everyone. The reason for it may be harmless, and maybe lead to serious consequences if you do not take the necessary measures. In any case, it is better to be restrained and turn to specialists.

Comments leave a comment
Olga 16/10/2018 at 1:13

The abdomen can be ill for various reasons, it only the doctor will tell you exactly with the full examination and conduct an ultrasound.

To answer
Valeria 10/17/2018 at 17:10

I would not prevent me too to go to make an abdominal ultrasound, but so far everything calms down and does not bother anything, I forgot. Digid a trime and a bright !!

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Victor 12/23/2019 at 12:52.

Causes may be all sorts of different, of course. I generally gastritis ... And the pain saves only the fact that on a regular basis, the tea Evalar Bio (gastrointestinal) Pugh and diet hold. If it were not for this, already an ulcer of themselves earned exactly ... All the same, it is very important to help the body and support the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Oksana 23/05/2020 at 13:13

Who tea is treated, who are antibiotics ... We are all of course different, but I do not perceive any one nor a different treatment method.

To answer
Mira 24/05/2020 at 1:07.

For treating antibiotics problems with the gastrointestinal tract, is not very, the only drug that causes respect - Alpha Normix. It not only does not oppress its own beneficial bacteria, but also contributes to the growth of useful microflora, which is extremely important to me.

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