How the heart is hurting, women's symptoms

How the heart is hurting, women's symptoms

Pain in the heart in medicine is referred to as cardialgia. This symptom is disturbed by the representatives of both sexes, but the causes and nature of the heartache manifests itself in women and men in different ways. So, in men, the cause of heart pain serves a predominantly ischemic disease, and in women - stress, hormonal imbalance or vegetary dystonia. Let's find out how Cardialgia is manifested with a weak floor representatives and what causes its appearance.

Factors that provoke pain in the heart in women

On time to notice problems with the heart or other organs is extremely important for life. In women, it can cause heart pain as various heart disease, such as infarction or angina and a number of other pathologies, namely:

  • Osteochondrosis. Problems with the spine in the chest department create conditions for periodic pinching of nerve endings, which provokes pain in the region of the heart.
  • Vegeta dystonia. Such a state gives all signs of heart disease - pain, pressure jumps, rapid pulse, dizziness.
  • Diseases of internal organs. Pancreatitis, gallstone disease and even gastritis can give the same symptoms as cardialgia.
  • Neurotic disorders. They are caused by stress, lack of sleep and psycho-emotional injuries and subsequently violate the normal rhythm of the heart.
  • Neuralgia. The inflammation of the nerve in the zone of the edges is accompanied by strong painful sensations that give to the heart area.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland. The imbalance of thyroxine and the thyrotropic hormone hormone is negatively affecting the cardiovascular system.

Cardiac pains in women often accompany the restructuring of a hormonal background during the Cleax period, or manifest themselves with strong PMS.

As a heartache - cardiac pain in various diseases

The pain in the heart can be a sign of serious pathology of the cardiovascular system or arise as a secondary functional disorder. To distinguish a dangerous disease you need to know its main symptoms.

Pain with angina or myocardial infarction is characterized by such indicators:

  • Pain can be described as a burning, tearing, squeezing.
  • It appears after physical activity or severe stress.
  • If calming down - the pain passes.
  • The pain wears an increasing character, that is, gradually enhanced.
  • Cardiac pain is dulled if you take nitroglycerin.

Pain with neuralgia or dystrophic changes in vertebral cartilage can be described as follows:

  • The dynamics of intensity: it is enhanced, it generally disappears.
  • When changing the position of the body, the pain is greatly enhanced.
  • The pain wears harsh, "shooting" character.
  • Receiving an anesthetic or anti-inflammatory tool helps facilitate the state.

Pain with vegetative disorders:

  • The pain is similar to tingling of different intensity, which can last from the pair of seconds to several hours.
  • Physical activity does not enhance pain, but partly contributes to relief.
  • There may be a feeling of coma in the throat, anxiety, dizziness, tremor hands.
  • Nitroglycerin or analgesics do not help, but the reception of sedatives will buy all the symptoms.

It is difficult to determine the cause of the heart pain in the heart of the heart, so in order not to miss a serious illness to immediately contact the therapist, and it will already decide exactly what a highly specialized doctor you need.

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