Rubber in children, causes and treatment

Rubber in children, causes and treatment

Anatomy and physiology of the body of children differs from adults in many parameters. This leads to different predisposition to diseases and their various flows in children and adult age. Children have their own list of diseases that are found most often. And the causes of their occurrence may also differ. One of the most frequent and undervalued symptoms in childhood is a runny nose. His etiology can be completely different, but it is necessary to fight with him. If you ignore chronic runny nose at child age, you can get serious complications.

Mechanism of the occurrence of a runny nose

Rubber is a protective mechanism of our body that occurs due to mucus products. When the mucosa of the nasal moves is collected by various alien organisms, dirt or foreign bodies, the process of inflammation begins. First, the blood flow of the mucous membrane is enhanced, which leads to its swelling and the difficulty of air passage. Expanded vessels are extruded exudate, which turns into a mucus. This mucus is enveloped, partially destroys and eliminates pathogens from the body. But in some cases the system gives a failure, and the mucus is produced without visible causes.

Rubber with allergic ritin in children

In children with predisposition to allergic diseases, an atopic march is often observed. It is represented by consistently developing atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma, which replace each other. Such rhinitis has seasonal exacerbations, may be disturbed by years and not to succumb to conventional treatment. To combat it, it is necessary to spend samples for allergens and exclude them from the life of the child. And during the periods of remission, treatment is carried out with the same allergens in its composition.

Rubber with vasomotor ritin in children

The tone of the vessels of the mucous membrane of the nasal moves is regulated by the autonomic nervous system. In children, there is often awesome-vascular dystonia, which can lead to a collection of nose vessels regulation. As a result, the pathological condition arises, leading to a constant and unfortunate secretion of mucus. Vasomotor rhinitis can lead a long and frequent use of nasal vesseloring droplets. Treatment of such rhinitis symptomatic. If the problem does not go away with age, it is possible to the instrumental elimination of this problem.

Runny nose with foreign bodies of nasal moves in children

Often the cause of chronic runny nose in children is to enter the nasal stroke of various items. In this case, the runny nose more often has one-sided localization. The second side can be involved in the reflex process. At the same time, a purulent mucus with an unpleasant smell, which can be worn out at a distance is distinguished. Do not attempt to get this foreign object yourself, you can push it further. For this manipulation, a specialist with appropriate equipment is needed.

Rubber with rhinovirus infection in children

The most common cause of viral rhinitis is infected with rhinovirus infection. Persistent immunity develops to these viruses, but the number of their strains has more than 120 units. Rinovirus are perfectly transmitted by air-drip through. Children are sick of this disease on average 1-2 times a year. Given the frequency and weakly sprinkled symptoms of viral rhinitis, discussions are underway to prescribe antiviral drugs.

Consequences of a long runny nose in children

  • Frequent infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.
  • Increase in chicken almonds.
  • The wrong bite associated with the constantly open mouth and diluted teeth.
  • Irritation and inflammation of the skin of the nasolabial fold.
  • Chronic sinusitis and other sinusites.
  • Syndrome of postnasal pushing mucus in the larynx.

All these symptoms should be investigated by a pediatrician or a children's otorinolaryngologist, to verify the disease and the appointment of the most suitable method of treatment.

Comments leave a comment
Vera Kiryanova 03/13/2016 at 1:26.

I came from school my handsome man and the nose was laid since yesterday. Kalpala Cali, something is not very helpful. Can you advise?

    Alexander Koblyatsky 03/13/2016 at 22:31

    Hello, you provided little information so that you can give the right advice.
    1) How old is the child?
    2) How often does it have a runny nose?
    3) His temperature rose?
    4) Was a contact with patients with children?
    5) What is the nature of the selection from the nose?
    6) Is there any allergies?

Anastasia 14/03/2016 at 23:52

Anastasia, if the nose is laid and the child is already 5 years old, then I recommend washing a runny nose to heal. Very cool and helps, I did not even expect that after the first procedure, the nose would be silent! Represent! Yes, and not so difficult is it, just buy a special tool Dolfin, there and the bottle is already underway and the powder that must be dissolved and rinsed. True, I advise. It is only so now we are treated.

Alexander Koblyatsky 03/15/2016 at 0:12.

I agree, the washing of the nose cavity will not harm the child, unlike the nasal droplets. It is possible to flush the nose with a prophylactic goal.

Alexander Koblyatsky 03/15/2016 at 0:13.

Here is an article about why it is impossible to use drops from a cold often:

Masha 03/15/2016 at 11:14

Well, in fact, it has long been known that it is better not to use drops from a cold. For example, for example, this year, with a runny node, Evanol ointment apply. Just great helps, and the composition is just excellent. Eucalyptus oil and menthol, which are contained in this ointment, just helps perfectly.

Ruben. 09/15/2019 at 16:40

We gave Orvis Rino (in tablets) on the advice of a doctor (6 years old, by the way). Literally in 2 weeks, it was possible to get rid of the cold from a cold .... Intelligent, washing, too, were done (sadly that many neglect the thing are very useful). I advise you to try such therapy if someone has the kids, too, suffer from such a thing ...


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