Causes, symptoms and treatment of angina pectoris

Causes, symptoms and treatment of angina pectoris

Angina pectoris is a pathological condition in which the heart muscle is not provided with the necessary amount of blood. Myocardial ischemia is a very common disease that affects mainly men. This is due to the presence of natural protection against angina pectoris in women. This protection is represented by female hormones - estrogens. The disease is in the forefront due to death. That is why everyone should know about him, and also be able to carry out prevention.

The causes of angina pectoris

  • The first place in the list of causes of ischemia of the heart is occupied by atherosclerosis. This is a chronic disease in which cholesterol begins to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels and form plaques. These formations overlap the lumen of various vessels. The heart has its own vessels, and they are also subject to this process. Ischemia begins when overlapping the lumen of the vessel by more than 75%. Plains can come off and cause life -threatening condition - myocardial infarction.
  • Spasm of heart vessels also leads to angina pectoris, but is characterized by the fact that it has a variable course. Spasm can be provoked by emotional stress, physical overload or vegetative disorders.
  • Thrombosis and thromboembolism of heart vessels. In places of formation of atherosclerotic plaques, the correct blood flow is violated. There is a turbulent movement, which can lead to the appearance of parietal blood clots. Already ready -made blood clots can fall into the vessels of the heart from other places. Blows also overlap the lumen of the vessels.
  • Some diseases or long -term sports sometimes lead to an increase in the volume of the heart muscle. In this case, normal vessels may not cope with the load. Relative insufficiency of cardiac blood circulation occurs.

The main symptoms of angina pectoris

Pain in the heart of the heart, having its own characteristics. It is compressive in nature, arises or intensifies after physical exertion, can be given to the left shoulder or arm, well eliminated by taking nitroglycerin. The disease is prone to progression, and in the later stages it can be disturbed even at rest.

There are various variants of heart ischemia that can mislead even doctors. With a certain location of the pathological process in the myocardium, the pain can spread to the right half of the chest, the right hand and even on the stomach.

Conservative methods of treatment of angina pectoris

Nitroglycerin and its various derivatives are the main drug used to relieve ischemic pain. Its effect is already tangible for the first 15 minutes. There is nitroglycerin of a prolonged action, which is taken once a day and holds its effect for a long time. But now it is not recommended to be accepted, given the rapid occurrence of addiction.

Angina pectoris and atherosclerosis are often accompanied by hypertension. Increased blood pressure creates an additional burden on the heart. For the treatment of hypertension, 5 main groups of drugs are used:

  • Diuretic - furosemide.
  • APF antagonists - captopril.
  • Calcium antagonists are verapamil.
  • Beta blockers-amlodipine.
  • Antagonists of the receptors for angiotensin-2-Valsartan.

Surgical methods for treating angina pectoris

  • STENTING - installation of stent at the place of narrowing of the lumen of the heart artery. They are installed through the femoral artery and aorta, which minimizes surgical intervention. Sometimes the installation of several stents is required. Their replacement must be carried out every 5 years, subject to quality material.
  • Shunting is an operational intervention in which surgeons create additional ways to deliver blood to the ischemization zone. For this, the patient’s own vessels are used, transplanted from another area.

Angina can affect absolutely everyone. Do not forget that this disease in most cases leads to a threat to life. Therefore, you need to seek medical help in time when the first symptoms occur. Timely treatment can extend your life for decades.

Comments leave a comment
Anna 05/16/2018 at 17:21

Of course, there are many reasons, which is why there may be problems with the heart, the most important thing if there is heredity or the first symptoms have already appeared, you need to think about treatment and prevention. This is not a joke!

Alla 05/29/2018 at 16:20

Yes, this is absolutely for sure and correctly you write. I was worried about dizziness, headaches, with these complaints and went to the doctor. It turns out I had a stroke risk, which of course dumbfounded me very much. I have been taking a thrombus Ass for prevention for a long time and I feel great.


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