How to get rid of varicose

How to get rid of varicose

Varicose disease (slowed venous blood current arising due to inflammatory processes of the venous wall and its lesion) is a fairly common disease that does not bypass the side of nor women nor men. The etiology of the appearance of this disease is multifaceted and is more expensive. You can get rid of varicose veins by observing all the recommendations of the attending fluballogue and performing preventive measures.

Adjust your lifestyle, because it can only serve as a prevention of varicose disease:

  • Refuse bad habits that negatively affect the elasticity of our veins - smoking and alcohol consumption.
  • Pay attention to your weight, it should not be redundant. In this regard, review your diet.
  • Do not wear high-heeled shoes.
  • Try to move more, give the legs of moderate settlements.
  • Do not sit and do not stand for a long time. Sitting, do not throw the leg on the leg.
  • Lingerie, tights and stockings should not be narrow, excessively tightening skin of the legs.
  • Do not get carried away by the adoption of hot baths, visiting saunas, parillas, long arrival under sunshine.
  • Teach yourself to a contrast soul.

When the first signs of the disease (swelling of the legs, the severity in caviar, the vascular mesh) are effective properties of creams, ointments and gels to strengthen the walls of the vessels. They improve blood circulation, act as anticoagulants. Regularly applying them in the early stages of the disease of the varicose disease, you can achieve a positive and persistent effect.

Elastic compression knitwear (stockings, golf, tights) will help to restore blood circulation by reducing the lumen of the vessels due to tightening. Attention! We can only wear such underwear on the purpose of the phlebologist, with a clear definition of its size.

Physiotherapy (ozonation, electrocoagulation, massage, healing physical culture) and laser coagulation - effective methods to eliminate all initial manifestations of varicose disease. It is necessary to combine such treatment with the use of drugs and the use of compression linen.

The surgical impact on the affected Vienna disease is most efficiently and able to completely eliminate the defects ever and forever. The most minimally invasive method is sclerotherapy (painless injection of therapeutic drug - sclerosant affecting the pathological expansion in veins).

When a significantly discovering veins appear, consult a vascular surgeon - in this situation only such a specialist can help. It is standardly carried out either phlebectomy (a special probe through small cuts on the legs of the doctor removes extended veins) or mini-melebectomy (repulsion of veins through small skin punctures, without its cut). Such operations are high-precision, small-acting, allowing you to permanently eliminate all veins defects.

The effectiveness of the use of folk methods in the treatment of varicose disease has not been proven, although it is known that in some cases it is possible to relieve and reduce pain manifestations. The method is most significant with a non-traditional approach to this disease - hirudotherapy. The leeches, acting on the inflamed section of the vein, allocate a unique secret (giraudine), which is capable of dissolving blood clot, clean the blood and prevent the formation of new agonal processes.

Do not self-medicate. Remember that varicose disease is an exacerbating pathological condition of the veins, which can lead to death. Contact your phlebologist or vascular surgeon, which will help you get rid of this disease and teach you to live without it.

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