How to get rid of stars on the legs

How to get rid of stars on the legs

With the problem of the occurrence of vascular stars, women are built in 20-30 years. The asterisks do not look aesthetically, and their appearance is a sign of the problems that began with the hormonal background, veins. Even when stretching small veins, blood circulation is broken and stagnant zones appear in the region above the knees. The cause of vascular asterisks may be reception and hormonal drugs, pregnancy, increased physical exertion. Is it possible to get rid of the venous grid and what methods exist?

You can get rid of vascular stars using conservative methods. Medicinal preparations and cream stimulate blood flow, strengthen the walls of the vessels. TROKSEVAZIN Tablets, Askorutin, Trombovazin are sold in pharmacies without a recipe, but still you should consult with phlebologist. Components of ointments, creams penetrate the skin and eliminate the drawing of spars. Usually assigned Mazi Badyag Forte, venosal, liaton, timanzine.

Compression stockings, tights help to fight not only with vascular asterisks, but also with severity in the legs, varicose veins. Made of microfiber, cotton, rubber, lycra, they fit tight to the legs and do not constrain the movement. Wearing them need during the day, shooting only for the night. Compression products create pressure in the ankle area, which decreases to the thighs. This improves blood flow in capillaries, veins.

Flabogue after inspection can assign and invasive therapy - removal of stars with a laser device. During microthermocoagulation, the capillaries are searched by an electrode. This method is painless, lasts about half an hour and does not require the introduction of medical preparations. Another method is microsclerotherapy at which the doctor introduces a special preparation to the skin, gluing the capillary walls.

You can get rid of stars at home, applying folk remedies:

  1. Ripe tomatoes wipe in Cashitz and impose on problem areas. Hold for about 30 minutes.
  2. A piece of gauze moisten in a natural apple vinegar and apply to sections with vascular asterisks for 3-4 weeks.
  3. Alcohol tincture of lilac wirate sore plots every day for a month.
  4. Applying an asterisk pieces of tea mushroom 1 time per day. This procedure is performed without breaks for 2 months. Mushroom take each time fresh, which is stored in the water.

Simple rules will help you avoid the appearance of vascular asterisks: Exercise, take a contrasting shower, get rid of excess weight and fit it right.


Comments leave a comment
Maria 30/09/2015 at 11:13.

It seems to me that the operation is the only remedy for stars, medications do not particularly help. He drank the best venotonic, recently passed a course of phlebodia, but the asterisks still remained.

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Darya 12/29/2015 at 14:53

Phlebodia, I agree, helps. And most other tablets do not make sense to take. How much I have tried any different, no sense. At best, a slight improvement, and that briefly. And money mad for treatment is flying away.

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Irina 16/01/2016 at 18:31

At the same time it is surprising that phlebodia is relatively inexpensive. Detralex, for example, twice as expensive, and no better.

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Veronica 01/17/2016 at 20:34

I took Detralex before the doctor called it the strongest drug. And then I thought - the phlebodia is drinking once a day, and it is two. It is probably stronger in such a scenario.

To answer
Veronica 08/23/2016 at 16:19

And I do not hurry to take pills. If the problem can be solved using a cream, then I will give preference the latter. Personally, I helped a plateloocide gel. Vascular "stars" passed throughout the month. But I started using this gel immediately as noticed. It is better to start treatment as early as possible.

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