How to get rid of the unpleasant smell

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell

The appearance of sweat on the legs is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. He brings many inconveniences, a person begins to comprehensively and worry because of badly smelling legs. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to find out the reason for the unpleasant odor - hygienic or medical - and take appropriate measures.

Causes of smell

During the day, the sweat glands of one legs are isolated up to 0.5 liters of sweat. These secretions feed bacteria. The sweat itself does not smell, but the products of the life of bacteria have a very unpleasant fragrance. The solution to the problem is to reduce the number of bacteria.

Keep your feet clean

In conscientiously wash your feet with soap, use a washcloth to remove sweat and dead skin elements that feed microorganisms. Wash the sections between your fingers and dry your feet dry. Wipe the dried problem areas by an antiperspirant, for example, what you use for the body. In the morning, put on clean socks, it will allow you to keep the feet with dry all day.

Bacteria can be removed by vinegar (striking fungus) and alcohol (kills bacteria). To do this, mix them in equal proportions and lubricate the thumbs and irritated sections of the foot. If you often wash your legs, wipe the legs and places between your fingers with a disinfectant. It destroys microbes and oppress the bacteria. The antiperspirant blocks sweat glands, the selection through them does not occur.

Sprinkle the legs and sections between your fingers with one of the powders: Talc - dried legs; Soda - inhibits bacteria:
Corn starch - absorbs sweat.

Wear clean socks and dry shoes

Shoes should be such that the legs remain dry. Buy open sandals, they ventilate the feet and prevent sweat appearance. Buy leather shoes that allow you to "breathe" legs. Contraindicated constantly use rubber shoes.

Constantly wear dry clean socks. At often sweating legs dress two pairs of socks, they better collect moisture. Use cotton products, they absorb sweat well. Synthetic hold moisture and contribute to the reproduction of bacteria.

Do not forget to pour a little soda into shoes, she collects moisture and eliminates a heavy spirit. Do not forget to delete the used soda. The unpleasant smell of shoes removes the wood of cedar and carnations. Look insoles from this material, they eliminate the smell in a few days.

Constantly dry shoes without a stelc. Well helps electrical dryers, warming up to a small temperature. Such devices dried shoes in 8 hours and prolong her life. You can get rid of moisture with the help of a newspaper that shuffle on the night shoes.

Water treatments

In four liters of water, pour two spoons of the bleach, lower the legs into the solution for 10 minutes. Procedure Repeat 7 days of the week. If there is an unpleasant feeling, lubricate your skin with baby oil.

Dissolve the salts of the salt in four glasses of water. Pour into a large bowl of a glass of water and vinegar. Pour there with a spoonful of soda and some thyme oil. Take a bath before bedtime.

Mycosis as a cause of sinual

An unpleasant feet may appear from Mikosa - fungal disease of the foot and nails. He needs keratin - an element that is part of the nail and hair. In this case, the doctor's help is required, because It is difficult to remove, and the fungus is very contagious. The doctor will write down the recipes of antifungal drugs and prescribe a course of treatment. It should also be followed by hygienic standards for the legs in a dry state.

If you adhere to preventive measures, an unpleasant smell will not even be in those people who are on the legs of 16 hours a day. However, when combating the smell, you should not lose prudence. Aggressive substances that you treat shoes can simply spoil it or become a source of other odor.

Comments leave a comment
Nastasia 09/01/2016 at 0:10

I'm after a failed pair of shoes suffered smell for about a year! During this time, I tried about 10 funds,
the most effective was the cream ointment Nepotoff - the smell went away and did not return. Very effective and affordable

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Eugene 02.15.2020 at 20:45

It turns out that I wear closed shoes and winter and summer. I love the sport shoes very much despite the fact that my legs suffer from excessive sweating. And when they still began to stink, I decided to act. Shoes I began to handle chlorhexidine, the legs began to keep in the bath with the bark of oak. But now I do not use the baths, because I found a formagel for yourself, a means that helps immediately and from sweating and from smell. It is also necessary to apply once a week, which is very convenient. So I get rid of the unpleasant smell and sweat feet.

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