How to get rid of the smell of garlic

How to get rid of the smell of garlic

Garlic is a fairly popular plant, famous not only thanks to its culinary "abilities", but also as a means of many diseases. However, he has one piquant "but" - a persistent specific smell, from which it is not so easy to get rid of. How to remove garlic smell of mouth so as not to experience awkwardness when communicating? Our article presents the most effective means in this regard.

To understand how to deal with the smell of garlic, you need to understand the nature of its origin. Everything is simple here, and it is difficult: sulfur compounds in this plant in the process of the initial stage of food digestion (that is, still in the mouth) react with the medium available in the oral cavity, fall into the bloodstream and through it - into the lungs. Thus, garlic "aroma" is distinguished by us through breathing until the components of garlic are completely out of blood, that is, up to 72 hours. Based on what, immediately and for a long time to get rid of it, it is impossible - you can only temporarily disguise.

The most efficient means to hide the effects of garlic use is the fresh parsley or spices (cardamom, ginger, carnation). You just need to take them in your mouth and chew a little. For the same purpose, you can use mint or dill.

Also as effective neutralizers of a specific garlic smell often recommend using milk, hot green or mint tea. Milk has a property of binding "fragrant" garlic molecules, and hot drinks provide predominantly refreshing effect.

They will help to cope with garlic odor and fruit. Especially effective in this sense of lemons. The method of applying them for this purpose is any: you can drink lemon juice (freshly squeezed or shop), eat a citrus slicker or chew it a crust. There is data on efficiency in terms of eliminating the "aroma" of garlic fresh apples.

Food capable of getting rid of garlic smell of mouth, mustard, salt and food soda are also enrolled. Mustard in the amount of 1 tsp. Recommend to distribute across the oral cavity, hold about 30 seconds, and then spoil. From salt and / or soda, you can make a special neutralizing paste, connecting them with a small amount of water, and rinse with her mouth, not swallowing.

There are recommendations that you can remove garlic "amber" with the help of nuts (cedar, walnuts or almonds), fried seeds or pieces of bread. The smell of garlic absorbers are also considered vegetable dishes with potatoes and carrots, mushrooms.

In parallel in the fight for fresh breath, you can use hygiene products: toothpaste, dental thread, rinsers. All of these means not only have a refreshing effect, but mechanically get rid of garlic residues in the oral cavity. In particular, if you apply them all together, in the complex. At the same time, it is necessary to clean your teeth carefully and at least 3 minutes, not forgetting about the language, and the rinser hold more than 30 seconds in the mouth.

Of course, a chewing gum can also be used as a temporary salvation from spicy garlic breathing - it will refresh, and get rid of garlic residues stuck between the teeth. It is better to choose "poorest" mint flares or cinnamon cheese.

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