How to get rid of dandruff

How to get rid of dandruff

Dandruff treatment, first of all, must be comprehensive. It is necessary to start it with the right, healthy nutrition and loyal hair care. After all, it is dandruffs who adversely affects the health of the hair. Daily shampoo wash can suspend the dandruff formation. At least once a month, therapeutic shampoos containing selenium sulphide, zinc pyrithion, salicylic acid, as the head of the head quickly gets used to one shampoo. Among the main reasons, the dandruff need to be called the following: hormonal changes, disruption of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, improper skin care, stress, weakened immunity.

To have beautiful hair without traces of dandruff, you just need to eat right, limiting fat, fried, sweet and flour. Include in the diet more seasonal fruits. To establish the work of the sebaceous glands, it costs to eat peanuts, walnuts, seeds and be sure to drink 1.5-2 liters daily. Waters - it will clean the intestine. It is necessary to completely abandon alcohol and smoking, there must also be healthy, full sleep.

For an additional effect in the fight against dandruff, it is useful to use natural masks for sensitive skin and all types of hair (normal, dry and brittle, fatty). Any mask prepared by you rubs into the roots of the hair, in 20-30 minutes is washed off with warm water. After this procedure, you can apply suitable for a specific shampoo type. Such masks should be made 2-3 times a week for a month. To eliminate the causes of dandruff from the inside, it is very useful to use violence.

In order for the hair to be healthy, the contrasting shower is very useful, and strongly hot water adversely affects not only on them, but also on the scalp. When the dandruff appears, it is also not recommended to combably comb, but to improve blood circulation and calm itching the tips of the fingers to make a light massage of the head.

It is recommended to strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene, in particular, the hair should only be personal. And also temporarily stop staining and completely abandon the chemical curling.

Correct hair care will make you confident in yourself, charming and more attractive. After all, the appearance of dandruff is not too pleasant phenomenon not only for himself, but also for those around people. Therefore, be patient and carefully take care of your hair.

Comments leave a comment
Kseniya 12/23/2019 at 2:45.

i bought Shampoo Fort Horse Force Skeokonazol 2%, washed them and dandruff and itching too

Anna 24/01/2020 at 16:22

Ksenia, good shampoo. He quickly cured dandruff. And his smell is pleasant


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