What to do if the armpits sweat

What to do if the armpits sweat

All people sweat - so our body regulates the body temperature, protecting against overheating. But what to do if the process of removing is too intense, and the action of ordinary deodorants is not enough even for a couple of hours? First of all, you need to deal with the causes of hyperhydroz, because it may be a consequence of serious diseases. As a rule, after treatment, the selection of the sweat is normalized. Read more about hyperhydrosis - doctorpiter.ru.. If medical analyzes are normal or need to urgently go to a solemn event, help to achieve cosmetology and folk remedies.

In stores there is an extensive line of deodorants and antipers. But not many of them can cope with an increased sweating. Deodorant "Dry Dry" of the Swedish company and "Maxim" of the American manufacturer act quite a long time. The active alumochloride components of these funds are clocked by the pores, preventing the release of sweat. However, these funds cannot be used before exercising sports. Also good action shows a natural deodorant - Crystal Alunite.

The lassary paste and Teymur Paste contain talc, zinc, boric acid. They possess an antiseptic effect and slightly dry the skin. Cream "Formagel" is used when swelling legs, hands, armpits. Mashaut it on clean skin, leave half an hour and then wash off. The procedure is carried out within 3 days. The effect of the cream lasts 10 days. Then the course can be repeated.

The easiest and most affordable way is the use of baby soap. In the morning and in the evening, take a contrasting shower: Pour the armpits area alternately cold and hot water. After water procedures, wipe the arms with children's soap, slightly moistened in the water.

Folk remedies will help to cope with high sweating. Most times a day with the infusion of chamomile or chamomile tinctures, birch kidney, walnut leaves. Brew in half a water of water 2 tbsp. Spoons of oak bark, slightly cool down and add lemon juice. Migrate the axillary depressions by this means 2-3 times a day.

If the enhanced sweating does not treat constructive methods, ionophoresis procedures are carried out, liposuction. Their action lasts 6-8 months. But if they do not give proper effect, doctors can offer Curetzh - removal of sweat glands.

If you take a shower in the morning and in the evening, use deodorant, deodorizing napkins, you can reduce the release of sweat and unpleasant odor. Periodically make gymnastics, exercise, because the trained body sweats less.

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Victoria 14/03/2016 at 16:22

I have suffered a sweating and an unpleasant smell for a long time, especially in summer .. a lot of things managed to try over the years, but finally decided your problem with the help of Cream Mazi Nepiofoff! Significantly reduced sweating, and the smell disappeared at all, oochily advise!

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Olga 11/10/2018 at 0:52.

Look for the cause and treasure. Just so, at no reason, an increased sweating can begin. There is a reason!

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Evgeniy 13/10/2018 at 21:10

Yes, just so to increase the sweating can not, so it is better to consult a doctor. I generally found that sweating is a manifestation of alcohol neuropathy, it was worth drinking even a bottle of beer, as I was dreamed later. I decided not to joke with health, the thiocutacid BV thiocultation rate was knitted, and since then I feel good and does not bother me.

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