The gums inflamed what to do

The gums inflamed what to do

The unpleasant smell of mouth, bleeding during contact with a toothbrush, the appearance of redness - all these are the first signs of inflammation of the dysen. At the initial stage of the disease, a person does not feel pain and for this reason does not take careless measures for treatment. Usually, the alarm begin to beat only when the gums are bothering threateningly, and the teeth shake. To prevent this before, it is enough to begin treatment at the first symptoms. On proven methods of getting rid of the ailment and its prevention will be discussed further.

Why guysna are inflamed

Inflammation of the dysen is two types - gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is expressed in inflammation of the part of the gum, which is adjacent directly to the tooth, and periodontitis is already the deplorable consequences of not cured in time of gingivitis, that is, inflammation spreading to the entire surface of the adhesion.
In almost 99% of cases, the cause of the disease can be called not enough to be called sufficiently affected by hygienic procedures in the oral cavity. As a result of this, soft microbial raids accumulates on the teeth, which causes inflammation.


Dental procedures

You can get rid of the disease with simple dental procedures. In the case of gingivitis, it is enough for the dentist to remove the dental sediment and spent antiseptic treatment of the adhesive. The complexity of the treatment of periodontitis will depend on the degree of neglence of the disease. If, as a result of inflammation, the teeth shake appeared, the roots were denied, then, besides removing deposits, antibiotic therapy may need and strengthen moving groups of teeth with special tires.


Anti-inflammatory therapy at home

You can remove inflammation at home both with the help of pharmacy and using champs and tinctures of your own preparation.

The following solutions will be suitable from pharmaceuticals:

  • Chlorhexidine;
  • furatsilin;
  • Miramistin;
  • Rotokan.

Use them to rinse the mouth is recommended after every meal, but at least two and not more than four times a day.

Equally effectively helps soothe inflamed surface mouthwash decoctions of herbs. For this purpose, suitable chamomile, calendula, oak bark.
To prepare a tablespoon of grass should fill a glass of boiling water and infuse for 15-20 minutes. Rinse the oral cavity after brushing recommended 2-4 times a day.
Using rinse decoction of herbs, keep in mind that their continual use over a long period can affect the color of teeth. Pigments contained in such tinctures, easily deposited on the tooth enamel, giving it yellowness and making the surface more rough.

Oak bark

Prevention of the disease

The best means of combating the disease - is its prevention. In the case of gum disease have a few rules that will help avoid discomfort:

  • Correctly picked up a toothbrush. Do not choose too soft bristles - it is bad removes plaque.
  • Pasta with herbal ingredients. Choosing dentifrice, prefer comprising extracts of chamomile, calendula, oak bark.
  • Rinse the oral cavity. Very good help to disinfect the mouth rinse aid. Use them after each meal.


By gum disease should be treated with the utmost seriousness and to begin treatment without waiting for complications as neglected diseases can lead to tooth loss and significant costs for dental services.

Comments leave a comment
Inga 20.08.2019 at 15:19

Hello everyone! What if the gum in your mouth aches? I have the feeling that it is inflamed and swollen. To the doctor go or can be cope?

To answer
Diana 08.24.2019 at 10:04

Inga, start your own, but if you do not stop hurting, then to the doctor. I'm in such cases, use a gel Holisal it quite effectively relieves pain and inflammation. But keep in mind that all doctors recommend necessarily refer to the dentist in such cases. But of course you decide!

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