Fell to the tooth in a child what to do

Fell to the tooth in a child what to do

Loss of deciduous teeth begins in children 6-7 years of age. This is a physiological process that is painless and does not cause much inconvenience to the kid. Tooth loss can also be due to a bad fall and injuries. We will understand what to do in each case.

Treatment of wounds

Disinfects the wound at the site of fallen tooth. In order to stop some bleeding from the gums, take tight gauze and ask the child tightly pressed his teeth to the sore spot. Ten minutes is sufficient to wound dragged on. If the bleeding does not stop, but intensified, immediately seek medical attention.

The healing process

Rules, which adhere to the first days after the loss of tooth:

  • Do not give the child to eat or drink for two or three hours after the loss of a tooth.
  • Food must be hot, cold, acute and acid, i.e., It should not cause irritation of the mouth.
  • Additional rinses the oral cavity is not required! In the well after the loss of the tooth must be a blood clot, which prevents the penetration of germs. Exceptions are medical indications.
  • Chewing and brushing teeth child should be cautious, not touching the wound.

Tooth fell ahead of time

If the tooth in a child fell out ahead of time, for example, as a result of the injury, pass examination by a dentist. A qualified doctor will make an inspection to disinfect the wound and gum check for the presence of tooth fragments. To prevent displacement of the teeth in the direction of the vacant place dentist designate wearing retainer space after full healing of the gums. In adolescence, it will prevent the braces treatment.


In children with good immunity wound healing takes place automatically and quickly. Weakening of the body to help one-time bath no earlier than the day after tooth loss:

  • A teaspoon of cook salt is divorced in a glass of warm water. Add 1 drop iodine.
  • A teaspoon of chamomile is a pharmacy and a tablespoon of a sage brewing boiling water, let it brew and flicker.
  • Table spoon of oak bark is taking to a boil. Enjoy and filter.
  • We take in the pharmacy the finished solution of furaticiline or wept on my own 1 tablet in a glass of boiled water.

Any of these liquids hold in the mouth to half a minute and sleep.

Psychological help

Sensitive children at an early age may be painfully reacting to the loss of dairy teeth. We turn an unpleasant event into magic. Watch the tooth into the box and leave it for a mouse, dental fairies or favorite characters. And in return, they give the child a small gift.

By fulfilling all the listed recommendations, you will help the child to avoid inflammatory processes after falling out tooth and save it in the future from complexes and embarrassed smiles.

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Nina 08/08/2019 at 18:10

It depends on, if the milk, then in principle, this is a normal phenomenon, but in general, of course it would be good to additionally give a child with calcium, we try to always give milk and still baby formula of the Calcium Bears, so that we do not fall out the teeth and in the total bones in full order)

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