How to rinse the gums during inflammation

How to rinse the gums during inflammation

Almost every of us faced the problem of gum inflammation. The reasons for this problem may not be sufficient tooth care, the appearance of tartar, reduced immunity, deficiency of vitamins in the body, smoking, diseases of the oral cavity and pregnancy. In order to cure the gum, you need to apply healing procedures in time, especially rinse of the mouth. Consider which standard and non -traditional drugs will help to solve this issue.

Antibacterial gum rinsing

The source of inflammatory processes in most cases is bacteria that got inside and activate negative reactions. There are special drugs - antiseptics that kill bacteria when rinsing the oral cavity. We will consider the most popular of them below.


For gum disinfection, a five percent solution of chlorhexidine is suitable for us. The medicine has a high antimicrobial effect, stops the propagation and spread of parasitic microbacteria. For its purchase, the recipe is optional. Rinse the mouth with the drug three times a day, one minute after eating. It is advisable to additionally rinse the mouth with cool water before use. In this case, after or during the use of a substance, a slight skin itching and a slight sensation of dry skin may occur.


The tool is also antibacterial, in terms of degree and speed of action, takes a second position after chlorhexidine. However, its effect on the body is expressed in a more gentle form, which is important for people prone to allergic reactions. For processing the gums, a single percent solution of Mirmistin is used. The gum should rinse four times a day after eating. We carry out the procedure for a week.

The main advantages:

  • Treatment of viral gum diseases.
  • Elimination of herpes inflammation of the oral cavity.
  • It is allowed for use from infancy.
  • The drug has a sweet taste.

Deners rinsing products that relieve inflammation

The use of antiseptics will be insufficient to solve the problem with gums. In addition to antibacterial solutions, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with anti -inflammatory drugs. These drugs eliminate the focus of the disease directly, that is, they reduce or completely relieve inflammatory processes. However, it should be understood that many of them are alcohol. These include:

  • Dentophyte - concentrated solution of healing herbs;
  • Tatum Verde - non -steroidal anti -inflammatory substance;
  • Chlorophyllipt - alcohol infusion on eucalyptus leaves.

We rinse the gums according to the same principle, but we adhere to the instructions for each drug. All the above anti -inflammatory drugs are necessarily diluted with water in the desired consistency according to the recipe.

Anti -inflammatory herbs for rinsing the mouth

For fans of traditional medicine, you can prepare special herbal decoctions and infusions. To rinse the gums, it is permissible to use chamomile, calendula, sage, eucalyptus. However, you need to understand that, along with a positive effect, problems of a different nature may arise. These funds have a pronounced color and special pigmentation, which negatively affects tooth enamel, since intensive sticking of microparticles forms a plaque on the surface of the teeth and provokes the development of a durable tartar. That is, rinsing the gums with decoctions of herbs, we jeopardize the health of our teeth.

Elixirs on herbs

Unlike homemade herbal grassy, \u200b\u200belixirs on herbs are an excellent replacement, because the tool includes all the components necessary to protect your teeth. Special natural additives suppress all age formations, and at the same time the solution is completely natural, since its main composition is plant extracts. But before use, we must study the instructions, since some elixirs are allowed to use an unlimited number of times, while others only in the morning and evening.

So we got acquainted with the main means to rinse the gums during inflammation. Based on the foregoing, we note that the gum will treat the gum more effective with the help of ready -made drugs with an antiseptic and anti -inflammatory effect. At the same time, their use is best carried out after examining by the doctor, since unhealthy gums are the first symptom of serious diseases of the internal organs, and some rinses will not be able to relieve the main problem.

Comments leave a comment
Love 08/11/2021 at 16:06

Rinse rinse, but do not forget about vitamin C. It is very important to strengthen the capillaries, prevent bleeding and soreness .... Yes, it will now be useful for immunity, agree. Elovarovsky vitamin C 100 mg Acorbath of calcium in tablets is perhaps the best option both in price and quality. I myself drink courses and is very satisfied, there are no problems.


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