Tea tree oil for teeth whitening

Tea tree oil for teeth whitening

Tea tree oil has a soft and gentle whitening effect. Thanks to the healing qualities of essential oil, you will not only whiten your teeth, but also improve the gums, having a favorable effect on the oral cavity as a whole. If you are looking for an harmless and effective teeth whitening method at home, then this article is at your service.

Tea Tree Oil Properties

Tea tree oil has disinfectant, antifungal and antivirus effect. In dentistry, this tool was widely used as a natural antiseptic. It is effectively fighting with many bacteria, resistant to antibiotics. Also provides prevention against many common oral diseases, such as caries, periodontalosis, stomatitis and gingivitis.

This medicine is quite common and available for sale. You can purchase it in any nearest pharmacy.

Features of whitening method

Key benefits, at the expense of which this method stands out on the background of the rest:

  • In the process of bleaching, the oil does not harm the enamel of the teeth. Already after the first application, you will feel a noticeable result - clean and smooth teeth.
  • In addition to the whitening effect, this tool has a beneficial effect on gum health. Prevents their bleeding and gives a healthy color.
  • As a result of long-term use, active oil substances eliminate the dental and warn its appearance.
  • Improving the microflora of the oral cavity, oil neutralizes the smell of mouth. Fresh breathing throughout the day will be another pleasant effect.

Bleaching procedure

Perform this procedure every day during the first week. In the future, the quantity can be reduced to three days. Features of teeth teeth whitening:

  • Carefully clean the teeth with ordinary toothpaste.
  • Wash the brush and apply a couple of droplets of essential oil on it.
  • Repeat the cleaning procedure for 2-3 minutes. It may occur light numbers of gums and language. This action takes literally in a few minutes.
  • Rinse your mouth with water. This will eliminate the specific taste and smell of oil.

Tips and cautions

To achieve a better effect, follow these recommendations:

  • To achieve the result, it is important to use a drug that does not contain additives and impurities. When buying, make sure that the preparation contains 100% of the natural tea tree oil.
  • Avoid consumption of large amounts of oil, 2-3 drops will be enough.
  • In no case do not swallow the air in order to avoid burns of the esophagus walls.
  • Add five drops of oil into a glass of water. Rinse your mouth with essential oil in front of the usual cleaning of the teeth. The solution softens the dental flare, and the cleaning will be more efficient.
  • Refrain from making food after cleaning the teeth for half an hour. This will allow active substances to have a full effect on the oral cavity.
  • For a more pronounced effect of whiteness and freshness of breathing, you can mix different oils. The essential oils of orange and lemon are suitable.

Healing properties of tea tree oil cannot be overestimated. Whitening teeth on this method, you retain the enamel structure. The result is a healthy and snow-white smile. Follow the tips and instructions given in this article and you will see for yourself. Smile more often!

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