Whitening strips for teeth, how to use

Whitening strips for teeth, how to use

Modern dental service - teeth whitening, is available today in any medical office. But if you do not have time to visit the dentist for several days in a row, or you are experiencing financial difficulties, you can brighten your teeth with the help of special whitening strips.

What the whitening strips look like

A special bleaching means resembles a transparent adhesive plate. On one of the parties, which is called the active, the thin layer of bleaching gel is covered with a protective film. Usually in one package is such a number of strips, which corresponds to the applicable manufacturer days of their use. At the same time, the strips are separated by type: for the lower and upper teeth.

For what time you can whiten your teeth

Different manufacturers declare about different time. Someone writes that the teeth will become white for 3 days, and someone in two weeks. In any case, that the result is positive, it is necessary to use strips at least the specified period. In addition, it is impossible to reduce the time of their daily use.

How to use stripes

The technology of using strips is very simple:

  1. Clean the teeth with ordinary paste and rinse well well.
  2. Remove two strips from the package - for the upper and lower teeth.
  3. Remove the protective film from one strip and gently glue it along the upper dentition.
  4. Remove the film from the strip for the lower teeth and repeat the procedure.
  5. For reliable fixation of both strips additionally add them to the most soft toothbrush. Make the brushed light presses, ranging from the middle of the teeth and gradually moving towards the cheeks.
  6. Communicate your teeth naturally and sit quietly while indicated in the manual for stripes - usually it is 30 minutes.
  7. During the time, until the stripes are on the teeth, do not make swallowing movements so that the gel particles do not get into the esophagus. Try in the mouth to make a kind of roller from the language, which will prevent the gel spreading.
  8. After the exposure time, hook with the tip of the upper strip to the nails and carefully remove it from the teeth.
  9. Do the same with the bottom strip.
  10. Rinse your teeth with clean water and be sure to split it.
  11. Treat the teeth with a brush so that the remnants of the gel be removed from the teeth.

Contraindications for using bleaching strips

The means cannot be used if you have:

  • caries;
  • cracked enamel;
  • paradontosis;
  • flux;
  • any inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth or language.

Very gently use stripes need to be necessary and to those people who have scorched teeth or bridges from metal ceramics or plastic. Different in its composition, natural and artificial, teeth can respond differently to whitening - the final color of the enamel may be different.

Where to buy whitening strips

Abroad, the strips can be purchased from a personal dentist or in special stores of medical products. We can still buy these funds only through online stores.

Before use of strips for teeth, consult with a familiar dentist. Some bleaching agents in their composition have rather aggressive components, for example, chloride dioxide. If you have a very subtle enamel, then he can destroy it. The dentist will advise a safer remedy, given the condition of your teeth.

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