How to quickly whiten your teeth

How to quickly whiten your teeth

Smokers, fans of black tea and strong coffee there is a common problem - this is an unpleasant dark raid on the teeth. Now there are professional procedures for teeth whitening in dental clinics, but they are expensive, and some of them do not always have a beneficial effect on the enamel of our teeth. We will learn to make the useful teeth whitening at home.

For whitening and at the same time therapeutic toothpaste, which was used in antiquity, we will need such ingredients:

  1. Some ash;
  2. Toothbrush with soft bristles;
  3. Banana skunk, which was dried for 2-3 weeks (if necessary, can be dried in the oven);
  4. Coffee grinder;
  5. Salt of fine grinding;
  6. Olive oil;
  7. Coniferous extract.

To begin with, mix the salt (1-2 tsp) with several drops of olive oil until the mass of homogeneous consistency is obtained. All salt sandbags must be messed.

To the resulting mass add no more than 5 drops of a coniferous extract to obtain an antibacterial and healing effect.

On a coffee grinder, grind a banana peel and mix it with a small portion of wood ash. The main condition is to make it very small grinding. Do not forget that our enamel is sensitive to large particles.

Next Mix the resulting ingredients. If, as a result, the resulting paste will be slightly dry - you can add a bit of olive oil and mix everything thoroughly.

We apply the resulting mixture to the toothbrush and gently, slowly massaging our teeth for 5 minutes.

After that, you should rinse your mouth and enjoy the result obtained.

This and other methods can be used at home, but only one should remember that it is possible to practice them only in rare and urgent cases and only on healthy teeth. Nevertheless, it is better to use civilized teeth whitening methods and apply for qualified help to dentists, and then your breathing, a snow-white smile and enamel of teeth will always be in excellent condition.

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