How to whiten your teeth per day

How to whiten your teeth per day

The teeth whitening procedure is the most popular at dentists. With the help of a special apparatus for 15-20 minutes, your teeth will become snow-white, but the cost of such manipulation is quite high and can damage enamel. In this article we will tell you how to whiten your teeth for 1 day.

The most effective bleaching method is the use of paste with soda and hydrogen peroxide. To do this, mix the teaspoon of food soda powder with a tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide. With the help of a toothbrush, apply a means to enamel and spend. Carefully rinse with water with water. This method cannot be used very often, since hydrogen peroxide is weak acid that destroys enamel.

How to whiten your teeth per day

If you want your smile to be snow-white, use the strawberry. Distribute several berries in the bowl and add a teaspoon of soda. The strawberry contains malic acid, which reacts with soda. Due to this, all pollution from enamels are corrosive due to the chemical reaction of soda and acid. This method is safe, it can be used 2 times a week. Keep in mind that the berries are worth taking the soil, and not greenhouse. In a foreign strawberry, many nitrates and very little acid, so the procedure will be ineffective.

How to whiten your teeth per day

In ancient times, teeth cleaned wood ash, you can use it for bleaching purposes. To do this, apply a little ash on the brush and add to the tooth paste. Clean the teeth with the resulting mixture. The effect will be visible in a few hours. It is not recommended to use more often than 1 time per week due to the fact that in the ash contains abrasive particles.

How to whiten your teeth per day

Excellent whiten your teeth without damaging enamel, can be eggplants. To do this, cut the vegetables with thin circles and pour them with water for 2 hours. Drop water several times. After that, pour out the pieces of salt and put under the press. After the liquid in eggplants becomes very small, leave them for a day to dry. Google eggplants on the baking sheet and the resulting ash brush your teeth. This simple means can be treated with gum inflammation.

How to whiten your teeth per day

If you do not want to damage the enamel, use the lemon zide. Watch the white part of the skin teeth and rinse them with water. Lighten your smile at 1-2 tones will help activated carbon. Using the rolling pin, crush the tablets and turn them into powder. Apply powder on a toothbrush and spend enamel. Use the tool is recommended no more than 1 time per week. The abrasive particles of coal can leave scratches on the surface, so be careful.

How to whiten your teeth per day

Together with whitening procedures, do not forget to strengthen enamel. To do this, eat a lot of dairy products and do not forget to go to the dentist. Do not use bleaching tools with soda or hydrogen peroxide if you have caries or mucous membrane damage. It will provoke the sensitivity of the teeth and the growth of caries.

How to whiten your teeth per day

Try not to bleach with radical methods. Better use special gels, pencils and rinsers. Of course, more than 1 day will be required to obtain a result, but harm from such procedures is less. Some substances contain fluoride, which strengthens the enamel and makes it less sensitive.

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